
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

fmnijk said:

I see that this post has an edited version uploaded.
Therefore, I uploaded another one where the artist also edited the Pixiv image (premium users can upload a new version). The flower in the image is edited.
Why was it unapproved this time?

When you upload an updated version of a pic, you should tag revision to clarify. Also revised posts are supposed to be the parent post, not the child one. It's doesn't help that this revision you uploaded is just really hard to spot what changes.

goldmom said:

Additional question. Are these all deleted because i didnt specify they were commissions or low quality? If low quality, how come the same artists works are posted here but not mine?
post #8164523
post #8166665
post #8164535
post #8147009

When you upload art that you commissioned yourself, you should always tag commissioner upload, and it's especially important when you upload without a source like the parents of post #8164523 and post #8164535. (Speaking of tagging, there's still a lot of room for improvement on yours in general, even if general tags don't weigh in the approval process)

Posts are evaluated for approval on an individual basis. Lots of artists have at least some deleted posts here, image quality can vary significantly even if it's by the same artist. Case & point: post #8147009 vs post #8144808 + post #8144547.
Not to mention cases where the non-deleted posts of one artist were uploaded by unrestricted users, bypassing the queue.