
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

Mysterio006 said:
pool #1155 - Works of Art
Extremely subjective.

I am just curious how a pool being subjective has any meaning considering pools like disgustingly adorable and heart warming?

Many people have favorited the two images. They both are getting good ratings, both have very positive comments specifically pointing to the art.

The point was to showcase images that you know the artist didn't whip up in 15 minutes.

I just question how one subjective pool is no good and another is fine. It's that decision "very subjective?"

Siegmund said:
I just question how one subjective pool is no good and another is fine. It's that decision "very subjective?

"Works of Art" had no point other than "I like this image". The other two pools at least have themes.

RaisingK said:
"Works of Art" had no point other than "I like this image". The other two pools at least have themes.

Heartwarming : Makes you go awww

Works of Art : Makes you go wow.

The theme is in the description. The point of the pool as I said was to showcase pictures that required real effort and time vs doodles.

How about

Beautiful Drawings: Pictures that make you go ... wow.

Anyway what about the pool "beautiful hair"... do I need to narrow it down to something like that?

Beautiful touhou group images:

I mean what is in the pool will be no more or less subjective then a pool like "clever" I mean cripes that seems to cover more then just "clever" even in the description.

Basically what I am trying to do is create a pool that like the other public pools has a general theme (works of art is in fact a theme) that will allow people to add what they feel are truly striking drawings. Like all other themed pools it will be very subjective.

Hell I could narrow it down to

Beautiful Paintings: Images either painted or doing via a painting program that are a step above the rest.

I do understand what you mean about theme, but as I say, the idea was to make a pool dedicated to images people thought there just a set above the norm (quality, design, creativity, etc.) where you would end up with a small or large collection based on other people tastes. Some might think a image is amazing some might think it is so-so. some might think something is heartwarming some might think it is not. Any pool this is not a straight "this artist" is extremely subjective (which is one point I have been harping on).

The two images were well above the norm, maybe not your style (art is subjective like anything emotional) but there was quality there.

Anyway your reason does make more sense then Mysterio006's "extremely subjective" which is a pretty poor reason in the face of the other extremely subjective pools (anything based on opinion or emotion is extremely subjective).

OK, so I jumped the gun when giving my opinion on that pool, and I do apologize. I think the pool you're thinking about is pretty broad, unless you specify certain portions. Many pictures on this site are of great quality, so I think if you just say works of art it'll inflate to many hundreds of images, depending on how people judge and add to the pool. If you want to try the pool and experiment, then I'll let that go. I just assumed that you created that pool just because you liked those two images, and again I apologize.

No worries I should have posted here with my thoughts on the pool first.

Also you are right in that "works of art" is a bad name for the pool and I will think of something to narrow it down to see how it works out. ie Touhou or even better EoSD to limit it dramatically.

Go big or go home might not have been the best idea in this case heh.

Siegmund said:
Also you are right in that "works of art" is a bad name for the pool and I will think of something to narrow it down to see how it works out. ie Touhou or even better EoSD to limit it dramatically.

The word "masterwork" comes to mind, though it might be a bit heavy-handed.

Go big or go home might not have been the best idea in this case heh.

If you're so-inclined, make a forum thread and we can collectively hash it out. I don't think it's a bad idea, personally.

Huh, it seems like vip_quality is coming back (background info: it was a semi-joke tag that started on IRC *way* back in the olden days, where some of the more senior users would hold a mini-vote every day and choose VIP quality images). That isn't to say I advocate using that tag specifically, but it's clear it's not the first time around the concept emerges.

I don't have a strong preference on pool vs. tag, but how about calling it "Skillful"? It should be descriptive enough whilst avoiding being too subjective. A tentative definition:

"Images of very high quality, sporting particularly good technique together with a skillful composition, proper anatomy and polished look. By definition it implies the absensnce of errors and mistakes.

Note that "polished" specifically does not mean "a lot of photoshop glare". Quite the opposite, as copious photoshop effects are a sure sign of cover-up for the lacking skill or time."

The second paragraph is a preemptive strike against people adding mass-produced CGs, as inexplicably many consider them to be well-done and polished.

葉月 said:
I don't have a strong preference on pool vs. tag, but how about calling it "Skillful"? It should be descriptive enough whilst avoiding being too subjective. A tentative definition:

Note that "polished" specifically does not mean "a lot of photoshop glare". Quite the opposite, as copious photoshop effects are a sure sign of cover-up for the lacking skill or time."

DschingisKhan said:
The word "masterwork" comes to mind, though it might be a bit heavy-handed.If you're so-inclined, make a forum thread and we can collectively hash it out. I don't think it's a bad idea, personally.

Ya those are good ideas. Was trying to catch the essence of those concepts and the name was what I could come up with at that time.

I will definitely make a forum post on the idea. Tomorrow or the weekend. I should have started there anyway.

Bapabooiee said: pool #1179
It's essentially an entire pool dedicated to just one image and all of its generic copy/pasta variations.

That brings up the old "what's a pool, what's parented" debate although in this case it's kind of moot because 24 was excessive. I only upload a few versions when I upload variations at all. I'll see how they do in the queue before deciding anything.

It seems only a couple were not flagged, which would be all-right, since 2 or 3 variations would probably be acceptable. And I think whoever flagged them just only flagged the ones that were excessive or redundant, leaving the original plus a couple variants.

Haven't been in the thread in awhile so I tried to make sure I didn't bring up any that were previously mentioned.

pool #977 - posts dead in moderation queue.
pool #1050 - posts dead in moderation queue.
pool #1093 - see above
pool #1067 - all but one post dead in moderation queue.
pool #1031 - all but one post dead in moderation queue, which someone else later removed. People sure are hasty with their pool-making.
pool #1152 - empty, possibly off-topic, probably retarded.
pool #1065- same guy as above. Pointless? Not sure.
pool #917 - Someone planning on adding to this?
pool #1154 - Parent/child these?
pool #1051 - character tag and wiki article already exist.
pool #712 - All 4 posts were for some reason removed and made into a new pool: pool #1043. This was done by two different people. I am confused.
pool #866 - Pretty sure there are a ton more posts that could go into this pool, but a bad_navel tag might be more appropriate.

And that's about all I can take of sifting through 50 billion Touhou pools. :<

Pools of deleted comics shouldn't be deleted for the same reason that we don't delete tags or parents from deleted posts. It's still useful to have a comic grouped together even if it's deleted. As long as the pool is marked inactive it doesn't really hurt anything.

Fake edit: looks like they've already been deleted. Oh well.

I guess, but I went ahead and listed them anyway because 0xCCBA696 brought up the same point earlier and jxh didn't give a definitive answer.

Edit: For the sake of discussion, pool #1154 (parent/child?) and pool #866 (make a tag?) are the two from above that weren't deleted.

Gah...Edit2: The reason I thought I'd seen a lot of those navels is because one of the images is by hirokawa_kouichirou. It's part of his style.


evazion said: Pools of deleted comics shouldn't be deleted for the same reason that we don't delete tags or parents from deleted posts. It's still useful to have a comic grouped together even if it's deleted. As long as the pool is marked inactive it doesn't really hurt anything.

If inactive pools don't show up in pool searches or the pool listing page, then I could sort of support leaving them in. If they're going to clutter things up, then they should just go. If we're deleting the images, we shouldn't care much about how easy they are to navigate. They're not technically supposed to have been on the site at all.

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