
"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

evazion said:

It's temporarily disabled while I move to a new payment processor. It's probably going to take a week or more before it's available again.

bro I beg just let me give you my money, it's been 2 years omg

TungstenWolf112 said:

Rip I've been waiting years now, still can't. Honestly idk why they don't just ask for some help from gelbooru with the payment processor or even just up the tag limit

Searches put strain on the database, so increasing that for everyone wouldn't be good. It's primarily why tag limits are a benefit for memberships or privilege for builders (to continue contributing to the site, e.g. via tag gardening/BURs while being able to more sharply refine searches for that cause).

I'd recommend not waiting or having any expectations about this matter, you'll get needlessly disappointed when there continues to be no update. You can try and make do with your current tag limit or try contributing to the site slowly but steadily.

YuxuFG said:

I just finished reading all of this so i guess its time to contribute lol

A few users posted a guide and some tips in the previous page of this thread. If you are truly interested in contributing, I strongly suggest you to read their posts before making any decision. Trust me, the information is useful.

Jimu said:

I can understand hiding tags from regular users, but I've been lurking for 4 years and I have a lot of stuff in my favorites that was retroactively decided to be too risky so now it's full of Upgrade to Gold messages which sucks because I wanted to use favorites as a safe way to store that stuff without filling up my hard drive. Buying gold was always my plan B for if this site had an emergency purge but it's disappointing to see that option gone too. I guess I have no choice but to spend hours uploading until someone notices. In the meantime, the Upgrade to Gold message should be removed because it feels more like an insult now that we've all accepted there's no plan to find a new payment processor.

I only keep things on my drive. The Imgur purge killed my Reddit saves, and then the copyright purge that slapped 2,000+ mangas from nhentai proved the naivety of keeping favorites online. Always download what you like, whether it’s YouTube, random photos, Reddit posts or whatever else. Besides, HDDs are like $5-15/terabyte of storage.

dothuman said:

I only keep things on my drive. The Imgur purge killed my Reddit saves, and then the copyright purge that slapped 2,000+ mangas from nhentai proved the naivety of keeping favorites online. Always download what you like, whether it’s YouTube, random photos, Reddit posts or whatever else. Besides, HDDs are like $5-15/terabyte of storage.

Some of the content here I dont want the liability of keeping on my own drives lol.

dothuman said:

Always download what you like, whether it’s YouTube, random photos, Reddit posts or whatever else. Besides, HDDs are like $5-15/terabyte of storage.

Can't emphasize this enough. If you don't have a personal archive of any data, without DRM, plus at least one backup, it's as good as gone.

The sudden purge of content off of danbooru a couple years ago as hundreds of artists mindlessly DMCA'd their stuff because of AI is another demonstration of how there's no guarantee that any number of your favorites, bookmarks, links, etc. will still exist tomorrow.

It's even more important now with the enshittification of online services and the explosion of AI-generated slop that's leading to older content being the digital equivalent of low-background steel.

HyphenSam said:

You can wait for Platinum raffles. You just missed one a few days ago (topic #28588).

For those interested, you do not need to check the forums frequently for these. The announcement will appear on the top of every page and will include a link that will take you directly to the topic.

Blank_User said:

For those interested, you do not need to check the forums frequently for these. The announcement will appear on the top of every page and will include a link that will take you directly to the topic.

If uploads give you an extra raffle entry, wouldn't exclusively bot accounts win platinum?

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