This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 45 days.
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The bulk update request #28501 (forum #292729) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
BUR #30441 has been rejected.
create alias bandori -> bang_dream!
Just bandori. I believe it's commonly used enough to mean BanG Dream! to be worth it.
BUR #30444 has been rejected.
create alias makein -> make_heroine_ga_oo_sugiru!
create alias makeine -> make_heroine_ga_oo_sugiru!
Official abbreviation even used in official accounts (マケイン).
EDIT: Updated BUR since some posts use "Makeine" when romanizing (post #8118397, post #8117807, post #8085418), probably to be consistent with "heroine."
The bulk update request #30441 (forum #300072) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
The bulk update request #30444 (forum #300078) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.