
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Nacha said:

We normally don't approve a third-party source. Try to find the original source.
It also looks like a paid reward to me, as ginhaha never uploads uncensored videos.
Uploading paid rewards is against the upload rules.

Ah, I can understand the Paid Reward part, but the site was on the list of supported sites, or does that list just indicate what sites will work with Danbooru and not necessarily which sites will be usable in uploading?

post #7886561

In my infinite wisdom, I forgot to ask for feedback on this, and posted the finished versions of this which are also on their way to deletion. Would appreciate some insight on what's bad about this, or maybe no approvers are interested in it.

Was undeleted. I appreciate the second chance. :Heart:
