
The Vtuber Alternate Costume Tagging Proposal

Posted under Tags

With the recent announcement of Aqua's planned graduation, I wanted to bring up the topic of her final costume. The discussion I've seen surrounding it I've seen surrounding it suggests that it is her 'cat-eared maid' (or 'cat maid'/'neko maid') costume, but 'cat-eared maid' (or 'nekomimi maid', 猫耳メイド) is something that Aqua has used to refer to herself generally in the past.

Of course, this could mean this is a "Steel Rose" situation, but just to be safe, before she graduates, could someone find where in the costume's debut stream she calls it that?

Damian0358 said:

With the recent announcement of Aqua's planned graduation, I wanted to bring up the topic of her final costume. The discussion I've seen surrounding it I've seen surrounding it suggests that it is her 'cat-eared maid' (or 'cat maid'/'neko maid') costume, but 'cat-eared maid' (or 'nekomimi maid', 猫耳メイド) is something that Aqua has used to refer to herself generally in the past.

Of course, this could mean this is a "Steel Rose" situation, but just to be safe, before she graduates, could someone find where in the costume's debut stream she calls it that?

I don't believe she herself named the costume, but I could check later; but like you said it could just a similar situation of Bae's Steel Rouse outfit (even tho I believe Bae herself called it her Chuuni outfit)

TheGamingRodent said:

I don't believe she herself named the costume, but I could check later; but like you said it could just a similar situation of Bae's Steel Rouse outfit (even tho I believe Bae herself called it her Chuuni outfit)

On Steel Rose, I did cite that she did in fact call it that, and in the replies there's even IRyS being citated as misremebering the name as Steel Cage Ice Rose Rat Thing, so it's definitely called that (and Bae just calling it 'chuuni' is her literally describing what it is, over what it is called, because it definitely is chuuni). So checking to see whether or not Aqua calling her final costume her 'nekomimi maid' costume is a Steel Rose situation would be useful.

On the topic of costumes, (and thanks to Calli's recent "Which outfit is your fav" short), should we rename EN's "Party Dress" to "Formal"? Also, on the same topic should we rename the "1st costume" to "Normal" and "New Years" to "Kimonos"?

TheGamingRodent said:

On the topic of costumes, (and thanks to Calli's recent "Which outfit is your fav" short), should we rename EN's "Party Dress" to "Formal"? Also, on the same topic should we rename the "1st costume" to "Normal" and "New Years" to "Kimonos"?

I think the fact that her referring to her "New Year" kimono as just "Kimono", conflicting with hololive Closet, is enough to justify not using it as a source for qualifiers.


Damian0358 said:

I think the fact that her referring to her "New Year" kimono as just "Kimono", conflicting with hololive Closet, is enough to justify not using it as a source for qualifiers.

Okay, what about her referring the Party Dress as "Formal"? (And 1st costume as "Normal" even tho in Justice's debut merch they called it "Regular costume")

TheGamingRodent said:

Okay, what about her referring the Party Dress as "Formal"? (And 1st costume as "Normal" even tho in Justice's debut merch they called it "Regular costume")

Refer back to what I said.

The other day we had the debuts of hololive Fantasy's unit costumes, debuting for their 5th anniversary. However, we already have hololive Fantasy Anniversary outfit, dating back to their 1st Anni 3D Live. Their unit costumes look different enough that they likely warrant individual tags (contrasting something like Sanbaka Anniversary outfit), but given the anniversary nature of the unit costumes, would it be a good idea to rename hololive Fantasy Anniversary outfit so that it doesn't cause confusion, or do you all think it would be a non-issue?

Damian0358 said:

The other day we had the debuts of hololive Fantasy's unit costumes, debuting for their 5th anniversary. However, we already have hololive Fantasy Anniversary outfit, dating back to their 1st Anni 3D Live. Their unit costumes look different enough that they likely warrant individual tags (contrasting something like Sanbaka Anniversary outfit), but given the anniversary nature of the unit costumes, would it be a good idea to rename hololive Fantasy Anniversary outfit so that it doesn't cause confusion, or do you all think it would be a non-issue?

We could rename hololive fantasy anniversary outfit to something like hololive fantasy 1st anniversary outfit and make individual *_(hololive fantasy unit costume) tags for each holo, which would also help settle the issue with ReGLOSS having individualized unit outfits (post #6669485)

TheGamingRodent said:

I'm down for this, and on the topic of ReGLOSS Unit outfits, should they get their own outfit tag now?

That's actually on my "for consideration" list for some time now, but I couldn't solve the problem of the five members having their own personal outfits of the base ReGloss uniform. I'd much prefer they have individual chartags (which would also mean their defaults now get *_(1st_costume) tags in the process).

Mexiguy said:

We could rename hololive fantasy anniversary outfit to something like hololive fantasy 1st anniversary outfit and make individual *_(hololive fantasy unit costume) tags for each holo, which would also help settle the issue with ReGLOSS having individualized unit outfits (post #6669485)

TheGamingRodent said:

I'm down for this, and on the topic of ReGLOSS Unit outfits, should they get their own outfit tag now?

I'm down with hololive fantasy 1st anniversary outfit too, while (hololive_fantasy_unit_costume) feels like a mouthful, even as it is the most straightforward qualifier we could go with. Should we go with just something like (fantasy_uniform)?

We could carry that into ReGLOSS as (regloss_uniform), though I have to beg the question of whether or not their unit outfits have models at all at the moment, 2D or 3D. Also, while they are more individualized, they are far more closely themed compared to hololive Fantasy's unit costumes, so one could reasonably argue they could be lumped under a gentag.

ArcieA said:

That's actually on my "for consideration" list for some time now, but I couldn't solve the problem of the five members having their own personal outfits of the base ReGloss uniform. I'd much prefer they have individual chartags (which would also mean their defaults now get *_(1st_costume) tags in the process).

If we do make them into chartags, giving them (1st_costume) in turn only makes sense.


Damian0358 said:

I'm down with hololive fantasy 1st anniversary outfit too, while (hololive_fantasy_unit_costume) feels like a mouthful, even as it is the most straightforward qualifier we could go with. Should we go with just something like (fantasy_uniform)?

We could carry that into ReGLOSS as (regloss_uniform), though I have to beg the question of whether or not their unit outfits have models at all at the moment, 2D or 3D. Also, while they are more individualized, they are far more closely themed compared to hololive Fantasy's unit costumes, so one could reasonably argue they could be lumped under a gentag.

Should we do the same for holoMyth Anniversary outfit as a unit outfit then?

ArcieA said:

That's actually on my "for consideration" list for some time now, but I couldn't solve the problem of the five members having their own personal outfits of the base ReGloss uniform. I'd much prefer they have individual chartags (which would also mean their defaults now get *_(1st_costume) tags in the process).

Also agree with this

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