
"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

Schmavies said:

Yo how much do I gotta contribute to get purple status? I was banking on Gold being open one day.

No hard and fast metric. Depends on what you do exactly. could be weeks, could be months.

Schmavies said:

Yo how much do I gotta contribute to get purple status? I was banking on Gold being open one day.

Do you want to contribute? Okay, first of all, there's not an accurate time frame to get a promotion, is kind of out of your hands.
Some got their promotions sooner and with less effort than others, but one thing is secure: You need to contribute a lot to earn a promotion. I personally earned my promotion some time after hitting 1k uploads, and that took me approximately eight months. Uploading is my suggestion, but you can try to tag other people's posts, edit Wikis, or create new tags from unidentified characters/franchises in the site.

I recommend you to read the Lurker To Contributor Transformation Guide, it might look like a simple manual, but is a small rabbit hole containing even more manuals to, as the title suggests, becoming a contributor. Take also some time to read the Users Level Wiki too if you have the chance.

Additionally, remember to never beg for a promotion. Some users said your attitude influences to get a promotion, but even if is not true, begging won't lead you anywhere, okay? Focus in contributing and gaining experience along the way. Respect the rules, read the manuals, ask for advice in the forums if you need it, and if a user sends you a DM pointing towards a mistake or something you've done wrong, take the advice and move.

It's all the information I can personally provide you with. Thanks for your attention.

It's been a while so I'm going to say this yet again: I still think the default 2-tag limit should really be reconsidered. For a site whose entire purpose is to be a vast archive of art, the inability to effectively sort through the almost 8 million posts or even search your own favorites properly feels very contradictory. I regularly run into the issue of not being able to find an image I can remember seeing because I couldn't narrow it down enough.

This might sound "entitled", but I don't think something as fundamental as a proper search should now be exclusively gated behind 200+ hours of volunteer work or an infrequent lottery, especially when it used to just be a simple $20.

I'd say something like a 5-tag limit for registered users with a verified email while keeping the 2-tag limit for logged-out users as a reasonable compromise.

soo I need to do 100s of hours volunteer work to get promoted because the owners cant find a payment processor for their $20 upgrade in the last 2 years?

if anyone has any suggestions to a better site then this one I'd love to hear it.

fagcity said:

soo I need to do 100s of hours volunteer work to get promoted because the owners cant find a payment processor for their $20 upgrade in the last 2 years?

if anyone has any suggestions to a better site then this one I'd love to hear it.

Gelbooru has every danbooru upload and no paywalls.

Only reason to use danbooru is that stuff is better tagged here and the selection is better curated.

Freshblink said:

Gelbooru has every danbooru upload and no paywalls.

Only reason to use danbooru is that stuff is better tagged here and the selection is better curated.

Danbooru is also ad-free, so you can view SFW posts in public without fear. It also seems that Gelbooru only collects translation notes if they are applied soon after uploading, and I'm pretty sure translators are much more active here.

Freshblink said:

Gelbooru has every danbooru upload and no paywalls.

Only reason to use danbooru is that stuff is better tagged here and the selection is better curated.

I would add that another reason (and frankly, my reason) to stick around on Danbooru is the community and the moderation.
Gelbooru is a sh!thole like no other. Pretty much every user is either a troll, a faker, an pedophile apologizer, or a combination of all of the above, except for maybe two dozen people who are actually using the network for any communication that doesn't involve lolicon.
Thats no surface level observation, I've been on and off there for longer than I care to admit, and the reason why I stuck around here is that while we have our problem cases, there is a solid foundation of a community to stand on and I don't have the feeling of starring into an abyss that at some point beginns starring back.

Freshblink said:

Gelbooru has every danbooru upload and no paywalls.

Only reason to use danbooru is that stuff is better tagged here and the selection is better curated.

Gelbooru does not have every Danbooru upload. Example, it doesn't have post #7637360 for some reason. Gelbooru stopped reuploading banned artists since the NovelAI hijinks. It also misses a ton of features Danbooru has, notably pools, post relationships, and commentaries.

bussinessinformatics said:

Gelbooru does not have every Danbooru upload. Example, it doesn't have post #7637360 for some reason. Gelbooru stopped reuploading banned artists since the NovelAI hijinks. It also misses a ton of features Danbooru has, notably pools, post relationships, and commentaries.

Loli posts won't show up at all unless the user changes their settings to show all of the site content (which does not require an account), but it's true that post isn't there. Maybe it's because you tagged it with cover page? Manga and doujinshi are generally rejected on Gelbooru according to their ToS, and @AngryZapdos said they delete multi-page comics in forum #256618. However, I did notice that the Master of Eternity 4koma I uploaded here ends at post #6230767 on Gelbooru. I uploaded the next strip several months later. Was this a recent change and were older comics grandfathered in or something?

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