
Tag discussion: huge breasts, gigantic breasts

Posted under General

It also makes moderation impossible if you are proposing that the moderators blacklist it. In that case *none* of them would get through the moderation queue. It would also break the system whereby people could sneak in otherwise unacceptable content by abusing the blacklisted tags. The latter is one of the reasons I don't use a blacklist at all myself.

h4x0r said:
Why can't everyone add gigantic_breasts to their black list so there wouldn't be any debate anymore? Heck, why not automatically add it to every one on the site, so they have to explicitly remove the tag from the black list. If they can't see the pictures, theres no problem, and no need to start flame warz. I believe this is the purpose of having a black list in the first place.

Every time you invoke that idiotic argument, a mod kills a kitten.

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