
Tag discussion: huge breasts, gigantic breasts

Posted under General

Frankly it always felt wrong to be putting oversized breasts on the same grouping as guro and scat. I can understand how guro and scat can be seen as disturbing, but oversized breasts? The problem isn't on whether we should follow the ToS or not, the problem is why are we banning oversized breasts as if it was as bad as guro or scat. Scat and Guro by their very nature are supposed be disturbing, but oversized breasts I don't believe has that same inherent nature and that it is merely a vocal few who have pushed for it's banning because of personal preference. I honestly believe the majority of people don't care if there are images of characters of absurd sized breasts on here or not, and that such images don't have anywhere near the same shock value as scat or guro to warrant outright banning of them.

If it was an issue of quality control, then I again state the size of the breasts are irrelevant to the actual quality of the drawing and hold no bearing in that sense. In short I'm questioning the reason it's banned, because beyond personal preference I don't believe there is any other legitimate argument.

葉月 said:
IMHO, they should get the axe all the same. After all, there are original guro and scat works and that's no reason to allow them, I don't see why huge boobs would be exempt.

I personally don't approve or post cattleya or other canonically absurd character designs. I suppose at least in those cases though you can't blame the artist for choosing to distort things.

NWF_Renim said:
I'm questioning the reason it's banned, because beyond personal preference I don't believe there is any other legitimate argument.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that it's basically the same as nixing something for other sorts of bad proportions. If stubby legs or an asymmetric face are sufficient grounds for denial, I don't see why absurdly engorged breasts or genitalia shouldn't likewise be denied.

chainedwind said:
I think the only reason that banning breasts the size of two heads is even controversial is because 90% of the userbase is male and 90% of that uses the site for porn. there are plenty of gigantic and huge breasts tagged pics that safe or questionable. It's as NWF Renim says there just isn't the disgust factor that scat or guro pics have. I haven't seen many complaints about tos breaking breasts either, unless the said pic is drawn poorly.

Shinjidude said:
I mentioned earlier in the thread that it's basically the same as nixing something for other sorts of bad proportions. If stubby legs or an asymmetric face are sufficient grounds for denial, I don't see why absurdly engorged breasts or genitalia shouldn't likewise be denied.

I'd disagree with you. Just because they're at a size you don't care for doesn't mean that it is an artist's error like with the stubby legs or asymmetry of the face, thus it shouldn't fall under the same ruling for denial.


animeboy12 said:
no but I think there has to be sex for it to be porn.

Dictionary: "pornography: creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire"

Key isn't whether sex is being portrayed.

NWF_Renim said:
Frankly it always felt wrong to be putting oversized breasts on the same grouping as guro and scat. I can understand how guro and scat can be seen as disturbing, but oversized breasts? The problem isn't on whether we should follow the ToS or not, the problem is why are we banning oversized breasts as if it was as bad as guro or scat. Scat and Guro by their very nature are supposed be disturbing, but oversized breasts I don't believe has that same inherent nature and that it is merely a vocal few who have pushed for it's banning because of personal preference. I honestly believe the majority of people don't care if there are images of characters of absurd sized breasts on here or not, and that such images don't have anywhere near the same shock value as scat or guro to warrant outright banning of them.

Viewing guro as bad (or worse than oversized breasts, at least) is also a matter of personal preference. Both can have good or bad quality art, the only difference is that people get more squeamish with guro and more extreme stuff, while they don't really complain about oversized breasts.

Oversized breasts are generally associated with bad quality porn, which is why most people don't mind (since they're here for the porn) and which is also probably the reason it's banned (while guro isn't, since people usually don't fap to it and the art plays a more important role there)

I can understand the association of them with bad quality porn, but you see that becomes an issue of quality control. If the image's quality isn't up to spec then it shouldn't be approved. The character's breast size though shouldn't be a determining factor on if the image is of quality or not. I'm pretty sure if you removed the absurdly sized breasts from a poor quality image, it's still going to be a poor quality image regardless.

Fred1515 said:

Oversized breasts are generally associated with bad quality porn,

since when? If you mean oversized(whatever that means) breasts are typical associated with bad art then I'd agree with you because the majority of pics with out there on the internet are typical bad due to gargantuan breasts appealing to a niche fetish therefore the repertoire of good artist are small. but that doesn't mean the aren't any quality artist out there.

NWF_Renim said:
I'm pretty sure if you removed the absurdly sized breasts from a poor quality image, it's still going to be a poor quality image regardless.

I agree with this, for the most part. Were I a janitor, I'd still end up rejecting most of the images deserving of the gigantic_breasts tag, due to the fact that most of them aren't of good quality anyway.

However, it's worth keeping in mind that a sense of balance and sensible proportion is a key component of quality artwork, too. The prevalence of comics, both Eastern and Western, allows a bit more leeway to play with the ratios, but proportion is still important to the quality of the subject of an image.
In the human shape, the size of the head is ideally suited as a basis for determining the proportions of the rest of the body. The "two heads" rule is perfect, in my opinion; it allows plenty of wiggle room (for lack of a better term) for the slightly-absurd proportions sometimes favored, while providing a welcome maximum allowance for such.

I can't imagine any art of a female with breasts each more than twice the size of her head as "good". Either her head would be drawn disproportionately small, or her breasts would be disproportionately large, and in either case, it most certainly would be grotesque.

tl;dr - the TOS guidelines are plenty lenient enough that nothing exceeding them should be approved.

NWF_Renim said:
I can understand the association of them with bad quality porn, but you see that becomes an issue of quality control. If the image's quality isn't up to spec then it shouldn't be approved. The character's breast size though shouldn't be a determining factor on if the image is of quality or not. I'm pretty sure if you removed the absurdly sized breasts from a poor quality image, it's still going to be a poor quality image regardless.

That's actually the exact same argument I've used in favor of futa and other /d/ stuff. Posts that aren't average in terms of content are handled more strictly it seems.
Dunno if that's only because of the "personal preferences of a vocal few," though it might be bias caused by all the bad porn qualities associated with these particular things.

So on what grounds are the ToS being challenged here? The fact is, there's already more images of hideously large breasts slipping through than there should be... and now people want to lift the ban? If anything, the ToS should be more strict on the matter, it would seem to me.

葉月 said:
Please speak for yourself.

That's just being pedantic.

Why can't everyone add gigantic_breasts to their black list so there wouldn't be any debate anymore? Heck, why not automatically add it to every one on the site, so they have to explicitly remove the tag from the black list. If they can't see the pictures, theres no problem, and no need to start flame warz. I believe this is the purpose of having a black list in the first place.

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