
Qualify Mitsubishi F-1 and F-2 (and other short aircraft name tags)

Posted under Tags

BUR #25946 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename f-1 -> mitsubishi_f-1
deprecate f-1
rename f-2 -> mitsubishi_f-2
deprecate f-2

The tag for the Mitsubishi F-1 strike aircraft is currently tagged only as "F-1". Given that plenty of tags are named as "F-1", and that someone may mistaken the tag in the current form as a tag for Formula One, I suggest this should be renamed to avoid confusion.

Edit: Added F-2 into renaming BUR since its name is also awfully vague and short as well.


BUR #25972 has been rejected.

rename a-37 -> a-37_(mahjong_soul)
deprecate a-37
create alias j-10b -> j-10
remove alias j-10b -> j-10
rename j-10 -> chengdu_j-10
deprecate j-10
rename j-15 -> shenyang_j-15
deprecate j-15
rename j-11 -> shenyang_j-11
deprecate j-11
rename j-12 -> j-12_(call_of_duty)
deprecate j-12
rename j-16 -> shenyang_j-16
deprecate j-16
rename j-20 -> chengdu_j-20
deprecate j-20
rename j-31 -> shenyang_j-31
deprecate j-31

Added short Chinese aircraft name into BUR since there are a bunch of Muv-Luv characters with similar names. Also renaming some other characters with aircraft-like names.

nonamethanks said:

What's the visual difference between j-10 and j-10b and why are you trying to alias them together in this disambiguation BUR?

Supposedly, J-10B is a single-seated version of J-10 model, and aside that it doesn't have any noticeable difference. The "J-10" tag is already applied to several single-seated J-10 variant so I don't think we should made it a separate tag.

BUR #28267 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename a-37 -> a-37_(mahjong_soul)
deprecate a-37
create alias j-10b -> j-10
remove alias j-10b -> j-10
rename j-10 -> chengdu_j-10
deprecate j-10
rename j-15 -> shenyang_j-15
deprecate j-15
rename j-11 -> shenyang_j-11
deprecate j-11
rename j-12 -> j-12_(call_of_duty)
deprecate j-12
rename j-16 -> shenyang_j-16
deprecate j-16
rename j-20 -> chengdu_j-20
deprecate j-20
rename j-31 -> shenyang_j-31
deprecate j-31
