BUR #22112 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create alias pulled_by_another -> pulling_another's_clothes
create alias lifted_by_another -> lifting_another's_clothes
remove alias pulled_by_another -> pulling_another's_clothes
remove alias lifted_by_another -> lifting_another's_clothes
deprecate pulled_by_another
deprecate lifted_by_another
These tags are extremely poorly named. Their names are so ambiguous that they're fully dependent on their wikis to define them and their naming is almost intentionally designed to mislead people by operating on different assumptions from most other tags with similar naming schemes.
The naming of these tags operate on a misleading assumption, as they follow an ordering of "<assumption: clothes> lifted by another [person]". In pretty much any other tag when we require someone to assume a blank, that's because it essentially means "person" or character. Which we can see with tags like on_ground, in_container, lying on another which are "person on ground, "person in container," and "person lying on another [person]" essentially. If something else is on the ground or on the floor, we don't rely on a blank assumption and instead we label the object, such as clothes on floor. In the case of these tags though the assumption is that we understand the blank means "clothes" which is a poor assumption to require given all the other tags. This is especially true when there are actually tags for pulling and lifting people. The pulling tag used for people (and their clothes) being pulled by another person and the lifting person tag in which lifting another is already aliased too.
While there are also counterpart tags to these using the by_self naming, I'm limiting this specifically to those that follow the by_another naming. The by_self tags at least don't immediately confuse themselves with other tags and there is likely to be greater disagreement on an alternative naming for them where these by_another tags have obvious and logical alternative naming.