post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

Samsara_Kama said:

Are you sure? Their display names are jjjunzhu and 插画师jjjunzhu. Idk Chinese, but I think 插画师 means illustrator.

Ouch damn. Yeah, I checked through their socials again - I think I used the romanisation for "illustrator" specifically and lost the jjjunzhu, might have to undo. The original name was probably correct and I approved it in reverse instead. It should probably just be *jjjunzhu*?

BUR #26408 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create alias choo_(doraemon.exe) -> choo
create alias grimmy666666 -> kibstar
create alias kibsart -> kibstar
create alias apios01 -> apios
create alias phrecklesart_(deleted) -> phrecklesart
create alias ernest_nigel_tuvera -> phrecklesart
create alias kevvv -> imdsound
create alias k6631738 -> krr316
create alias silvercell -> mandrill
create alias automaticgiraffe -> automatic_giraffe
create alias aiki_firstw1 -> firstw1
create alias madartist -> ilya_kuvshinov
create alias ke02152 -> qin_(7833198)
create alias conto_(deleted) -> conto
create alias contos -> conto
create alias rainyjune -> joze
create alias ling_extra -> k-rei
create alias poppo_penpen -> piyoko9494
create alias detoxy -> doxy
create alias onta -> doxy
create alias nangoku_(bikku) -> bikkusama
create alias tvchany -> myon_(tokipi)
create alias deer07_14 -> deer_(deer423-81)
create alias for_dying_light -> krab_(fumekrab)
create alias oomumemo -> manmi
create alias kihiro_(pixiv15798613) -> yellowking_hiro
create alias kuuurooo24 -> nishikuromori
create alias nnmnnji -> namepino
create alias dreadful_exmile -> exmile
create alias matt_(ex-mile) -> exmile
create alias msperoni -> exmile
create alias meganeoppai -> kaitsu_tokiyas
create alias megapai -> kaitsu_tokiyas
create alias oscar_vega -> oskar_vega
create alias raspbeary -> oskar_vega
create alias ruu_neptune -> ruu_wan_mm
create alias shiro_saki_london -> shirosaki_london
create alias arizuka00 -> arizuka_(catacombe)
create alias wokasiya7 -> wokashiya
create alias gotou_shiharu -> amiyakinyu
create alias azsn10 -> azzz_(7334080)
create alias nana_mulyana -> nia_(nia4294)
create alias ootani_tooru -> awakumo
create alias ganzu17 -> ganzu
create alias piyo_cotori -> enomoto_hina
create alias denki_ryu -> rairyuu
create alias cottonvalent -> woraya_chotikul
create alias amtnococ -> cocontma
create alias mi_3 -> mitsumi_misato
create alias nnnnanno -> muraichi
create alias ast_(jiete) -> jiete
create alias keije -> miyoshi_yoshimi
create alias ceteee -> cete_(controllingtime)
create alias jellcaps18 -> jellcaps
create alias rinnemi -> bluedoggie
create alias ryoji_(09541085) -> ryoji_(nomura_ryouji)
create alias opal_00_58 -> 58_(opal_00_58)
create alias otagoth -> philtomato
create alias oto_3046 -> tori_no_3046
create alias kairi69jp -> kairi_(fotune)
create alias renasaka -> asakare
create alias puffaluficus -> gummy_(puffaluficus)
create alias mandu_lxh -> mandudaein
create alias heiamu -> 234_(1234!)
create alias akmta -> 234_(1234!)
create alias bizii -> px2011
create alias conohi_(onisnvc) -> conohi_(snvcenni)
create alias kororiyo -> riyo_(korokke)
create alias sam_yang_(samdoesarts) -> sam_yang
create alias satoru_10_1 -> satoru_(s_o_t)
create alias wlngto -> en_(e898n)
create alias eggroooooooll -> paki2000
create alias doug_harvey -> douglas_harvey
create alias sawamiszt -> sawamin
create alias wintercakes -> yooki_(winter_cakes)
create alias someoneelse_1 -> some1else45
create alias tiaramisstsu -> tiara_miss_tsu
create alias sqetches2 -> kyu-bum_lee
create alias xixyuuuuuu -> xi_yuu
create alias libs920 -> masuoka_chico
create alias gharliera1 -> park_junkyu
create alias mayu_(mamayu_512) -> momo_walnut
create alias kanikumitoi -> kanikumi_toi
create alias rlntlss_ju -> jun_yuwei
create alias t0raa -> whoopsatro
create alias mikamiyui_tw -> mikami_yui
create alias negi_(negichi) -> negi_(liquidu)
create alias organjuice -> organsoup
create alias kunitarou_art -> kunitarou-art
create alias tion4102 -> shan_(ti0n)
create alias yaki_lulu -> yakito_lulu
create alias harumaru-shi -> haru_susaku
create alias ikiruchan -> ikiru_(x1killx)
create alias mrmr_m27 -> morio_(m_machi)
create alias kydeanimation -> kyde
create alias ring411 -> ring_411
create alias grapeyguts -> mcarson
create alias pork_loins -> porqueloin

(part 1/2) aliases for every manual artist merge I've ever done and other deleted pages found while looking through the former

BUR #26409 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias holymeh -> holy_meh
create alias rikoriohamham -> kiwi500g
create alias finalizer14 -> nautilic
create alias woohnayoung -> nayoung_wooh
create alias h_j0890 -> hjoe8
create alias ll0ejnzw0ll -> eiji_nochi
create alias 4_guma -> siguma_(13238772100)
create alias abyss162 -> abysswatchers
create alias hohi27 -> kappa-bushi-16
create alias caf_(lotus_feuille) -> caf_(artist)
create alias bunnygunart -> scott_malin
create alias ravenemore -> raven_nemore
create alias rage_(rage_a_fit_of_violent_anger) -> ragerkgk
create alias queek -> queekchan
create alias kaniaruki3 -> kanianoreki
create alias pikavani -> pika.vani

(part 2/2) aliases for every manual artist merge I've ever done and other deleted pages found while looking through the former