
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Blank_User said:

They're the same thing. To request a removal, you need to submit a DCMA.

Cool, I do believe I won't post on Danbooru any further now if my post is deleted. It's clear to me there is a bias with the front of objectivity here, and an air of elitism. Please don't take this personally, I don't associate with this kind of environment.

I uploaded a lot of posts a while back, and almost all of them were autodeleted. I appealed as much of them as I could (which was linited by the fact that appeals cost three upload slots and the fact that deleted posts cost upload slots after a certain point), but all of the appeals were ignored. The posts in question are all in the positives for ratings, which is quite strange how no approvers paid much attention to them.

Here's a list with each post and the ratings they acquired before being autodeleted:

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Myony said:

I'm not qualified to comment on the images themselves, but Approvers don't consider the score. It's possible for posts that don't meet quality standards to get high scores (especially for horny posts). I've also seen ai-generated posts get positive scores even though they're against the rules. Conversely, some high quality art will go unnoticed and might never get a positive score.

Blank_User said:

I'm not qualified to comment on the images themselves, but Approvers don't consider the score. It's possible for posts that don't meet quality standards to get high scores ...

Huh. I genuinely thought that approvers looked at the post's reception as a factor for whether or not to approve it. Thanks for clearing this up for me.

Blank_User said:

I've also seen ai-generated posts get positive scores even though they're against the rules. Conversely, some high quality art will go unnoticed and might never get a positive score.

I've noticed that happening with some AI posts too, yeah. Given how I figured the approval process worked, I thought that this was the result of the site's userbase outside of approvers being bad at identifying AI posts.

Dynastes_king said:

post #7502481

It is a dynamic image, which is equivalent to a collection of several successfully passed posts. Why is it not passed?

Probably because the movement is leaving behind artifacts, which not only make the shading change oddly over time, but also make the first and last frames look different from each other, preventing the loop from being seamless. The other looping animations by this artist that were approved do not seem to have this problem.

Blank_User said:

Probably because the movement is leaving behind artifacts, which not only make the shading change oddly over time, but also make the first and last frames look different from each other, preventing the loop from being seamless. The other looping animations by this artist that were approved do not seem to have this problem.

So the problem is substandard quality? Compared with static images, dynamic images should be able to be used as independent works of art.