post #9000000 GET!

splitting fingering into vaginal and anal.

Posted under Tags

BUR #24356 has been rejected.

mass update fingering -anal_fingering -prostate_milking -*anal* -> vaginal_fingering
remove alias fingers_in_pussy -> fingering
create alias fingers_in_pussy -> vaginal_fingering
create implication vaginal_fingering -> fingering
create implication vaginal_fingering -> vaginal
create implication anal_fingering -> anal

Currently anal fingering implies fingering which is also the general tag for doing it vaginally, this is a proposal for separating the two.

Wiki also states both should be tagged with vaginal/anal respectively.


Is is necessary to make a dedicated tag for vaginal fingering? Anal fingering makes up 10.1% of posts, and I don't know what constitutes oral fingering but fingering +finger_in_another's_mouth generates less than 1% of fingering's results.

GreyOmega said:

Is is necessary to make a dedicated tag for vaginal fingering? Anal fingering makes up 10.1% of posts, and I don't know what constitutes oral fingering but fingering +finger_in_another's_mouth generates less than 1% of fingering's results.

You shouldn't have to filter out anal fingering rather than just have a tag for a distinct concept and it is a very strange system to have something be both the implication of one thing and the synonym for another.

CoreMack said:

I'm not opposed to the idea of vaginal fingering, it makes sense if we already have anal fingering.

However, someone will need to manually do *anal* vaginal fingering, as there's 765 posts there which would not get caught by this mass update line and many of them involve vaginal fingering.

Most seem to be someone getting vaginally penetrated and while being anally fingered. Most could be found by excluding anal fingering from the search both there are some with both holes being fingered. Makes me winder if we should have a tag for both taking place at the same time?

Hey @nonamethanks, you've almost certainly seen this and apperenty disliked it. Is the issue with the search? Because I see that (after the bur was initially made) there's now some furry porn of someone fngering someones sheath getting caught by fingering -anal_fingering -prostate_milking -*anal* post #7506722 and if THAT'S the issue do you think another bur should be made for the implications and aliases above? Because I don't wanna do that if I know it's just gonna get rejected.


Turns out the search parameter used for the bur fingering -anal_fingering -prostate_milking -*anal* can be browsed but times out when used under the count function and also doesn't display a total number of pages when browsed hinting at some technical issues. Perhaps that has something to do with it.

This does not: fingering -*anal* -*prostate* -*penis*

This is also timed out: fingering -*anal* -*prostate* -*penis* *pussy * (space to make sure it isn't just the "pussy_juice" tag being picked up on).

But the shorter one catches untagged anal ones and various "what fucking hole is that" post #7492373, post #3857423, post #6494629 and things that technically aren't even inside post #7511602. Should that be under the fingering tag? Apparently yes.

I tried fingering -*anal* -*prostate* -*penis* *pussy * to make sure an actual pussy was shown.

Also @Admiral_Pectoral the correct tag (atleast on other sites) for stuff like that furry post is sheath_fingering

Edit 2:

The new issue, after tons of trail and error, is finding a way to separate all the surface rubbing of the clitoris and things that maybe should be tagged with implied fingering post #7491732 post #7466392 from fingers clearly going into the vagina. And whatever this is post #7430570.

Implied_fingering seems undertagged (900 posts) and has a rather poor wiki

When one's hand looks like it's between someone's legs, just under the hip, implying that they are fingering someone.

Where does the line go between what is implied fingering? is it just things hidden by clothing post #7491732 or does it include cases where someones finger(s) has nowhere to be except inside someone but it isn't shown post #7403802?

I also wonder if we should have a tag for clitoral stimulation or rubbing clitoris. Ah wait we do and it's also seemingly undertagged.


BUR #25728 has been rejected.

remove alias fingers_in_pussy -> fingering
create alias fingers_in_pussy -> vaginal_fingering
create implication vaginal_fingering -> fingering
create implication vaginal_fingering -> vaginal
create implication anal_fingering -> anal

Due to all of the fuckery above with finding a way to separate vaginal fingering I'm doing this again with only the aliases and implications. Vaginal fingering have to be manually populated or some experimentation can be done with searches. Probably a mixture of both.

Skydragon0 said:

I really don't understand all this when the two variants are explicitly detailed. Couldn't we just leave them as they are and call that George?

Not sure what you mean?

GreyOmega said:

Is is necessary to make a dedicated tag for vaginal fingering? Anal fingering makes up 10.1% of posts, and I don't know what constitutes oral fingering but fingering +finger_in_another's_mouth generates less than 1% of fingering's results.

This, it's a pointless subtag. fingering already gives you vaginal fingering.