
"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

Blank_User said:

I recommend Gelbooru for that instead. Nothing is paywalled, and you don't even need to log in.

And you still see ban artist also two years and no solution why why not sell merchandise like gelbooru?

Gaiki: man i just wanna look at some genshin shotas
Blank_User: I recommend Gelbooru for that instead. Nothing is paywalled, and you don't even need to log in.

I just tested "shota" and got a "Nobody here but us chickens! Check your blacklist. We now automatically omit terms from your search when you have any tag there" page. (Not logged in btw.)

creaothceann said:

I just tested "shota" and got a "Nobody here but us chickens! Check your blacklist. We now automatically omit terms from your search when you have any tag there" page. (Not logged in btw.)

Read the comic below that message. It will show you how to access the content.

Blank_User said:

Read the comic below that message. It will show you how to access the content.

FF and Chrome:
Maybe because I'm using an adblocker. Tried it in Edge and the comic loaded (along with an ad for an AI site at the top and 4 ads at the bottom (half of which involved AI) plus an automatic video starting to play in the bottom-right :CatDisgust:).

...though the user in the picture is already logged in; going to the settings page I get the "You are not logged in" page.

creaothceann said:

...though the user in the picture is already logged in; going to the settings page I get the "You are not logged in" page.

Clicking "Options" on the "You are not logged in" page should get you to the page you want.

creaothceann said:

I just tested "shota" and got a "Nobody here but us chickens! Check your blacklist. We now automatically omit terms from your search when you have any tag there" page. (Not logged in btw.)

Go to "Options" and make sure the box "Display all content" is check and do

User:danbooru shota (in search bar)

You'll get what you're looking for

Just made an account purely for Gold only to realise that’s not happening…

Saw a bunch of people say “Read the thread” so I did. I read about 15 pages of this thread. And honestly I’m still lost and baffled at this.

So what, I really just made an account solely so I can upgrade to gold and get those features, but then upgrade to gold hasn’t been a thing for 2 years??? I guess part of that is on me for not realising beforehand, but hey, how I was I supposed to know when it still says to upgrade to gold to see a locked image. The fact that locked images are still being uploaded irks me a bit. It’s just a cocktease to a members only club that you can literally never hope to join. I was thinking of getting gold once I realised that it wasn’t a subscription but a cheap one time pay and because I kept getting told by the site to upgrade, only for it to slap me in the face for even trying.

I always considered this the superior website of it’s ilk due to it just being mostly quality stuff. None of the alternative sites are preferable to be honest. I just wanna get the full experience y’know. There really really needs to be a massive banner of something that actually says Gold accounts are not possible and even a FAQ about it.

I get there’s apparently other ways to upgrade, but bro I’m just a regular person. I’m not going to dedicate hours each day editing tags or whatever. Plus, what does being a builder even let you do? If it doesn’t let you search for more than 2 tags and see locked tags than I’m not going to even consider it.

Honestly at this point I’d even be willing to cash-app one of the mods or whatever.

Given what has happened with a punch of paid sites, including most recently DL site, I’m concerned that these issues will never be resolved. I almost don’t get the point of gold-only posts still being posted if only being with pre-existing accounts can even see it.

*Sigh* I was really hoping this could be the one place where searching loli tags wasn’t a miserable experience of low quality stuff occasionally interrupted by the actual good artwork. High quality stuff is the main reason I even use danbooru as my primary all in one search-by-tag site. Honestly I should count myself lucky that Oneeloli and Oppailoli aren’t gold only tags as well.

nonamethanks said:

It's equivalent to platinum. See help:users.

*Sigh* Guess I gotta get to building. Haven’t an ounce of a clue how this site works, neither am I remotely experienced but it's worth a shot. Better than begging for Gold to come back for two years I guess. Here's to hoping the internet doesn't get deleted by the time that happens.

NotNecessarilyMe said:

*Sigh* Guess I gotta get to building. Haven’t an ounce of a clue how this site works, neither am I remotely experienced but it's worth a shot. Better than begging for Gold to come back for two years I guess. Here's to hoping the internet doesn't get deleted by the time that happens.

Just use gelbooru everything on danbooru is uploaded to the site with bots and so are tags and it's Free to see all of it.

NotNecessarilyMe said:

I almost don’t get the point of gold-only posts still being posted if only being with pre-existing accounts can even see it.

There's dozens of new builders every month.

Zeddovic said:

Like it says in the title, the button to get Gold doesnt work. It doesnt register as a button click, just as text.

Boys, it's been 2 years that problem isn't solved, what are you doin ?

creaothceann said:

Speaking of things to fix, why does the forum jump to the first post of a thread instead of the first unread one...

Click the "page XX" text instead of the thread title

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