
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Recheck the post quality
The post was of good qualtiy
ID: 7250522
post #7250522
Uploader: ishowgiantess »
Date: about 8 hours ago
Size: 722 KB .png (1668x837) »

I've seen many even 200 KB posts on Danbooru mine was of 720 KB whats wrong? Everything is clear n visible in the post

ishowgiantess said:

Recheck the post quality
The post was of good qualtiy
ID: 7250522
Uploader: ishowgiantess »
Date: about 8 hours ago
Size: 722 KB .png (1668x837) »

I've seen my even 200 KB posts mine was of 720l2 Kbwhats wrong? Everything is clear n visible in the post

ishowgiantess said:
I've seen many even 200 KB posts on Danbooru mine was of 720 KB whats wrong? Everything is clear n visible in the post

Filesize isn't important in this and most cases. It's the overall quality that counts and this upload isn't good enough for Danbooru.

a large number of quality sketches here are not being approved despite my efforts to see if this art style would be approved by initially posting 4 pieces of the same art style from the same artist separately with plenty of days between them, the 4 all got approved so I posted this artist's best works yet I ate a shit sandwich anyway despite my efforts to avoid it.

post #7201705
post #7201718
post #7201736
post #7201767
post #7201781
post #7202197
post #7202347
post #7202419
post #7202528
post #7202562

So first off
I have
post #7259950
post #7259957
still unapproved and on 3 days ago, despite the lower quality version being put up just fine. I assume this is due to it being a commission? I am the commissioner of these pieces, in that case, what forum thread do I post the proof in?

As for deleted posts, I'll go by artist.
post #7230566
post #7174955
Both of these art pieces received high amounts of favorites and the particular artist of these pieces has multiple similar works up on this site. At this point, it's simply a matter if you like the artist's style and not going whether things are anatomically correct. Think of it as similar to honjou_raita art being able to be posted. It's just style at that point. And the fact that very much similar art from this artist has been allowed before, it should be fine.

Now for this artist:
post #7110927
post #7110923
post #7106082
post #7183436
post #7024156

I've posted this artist multiple times. Sometimes they get approved, sometimes they dont. But the thing they all have in common is the theme in which the girls are tied up and there is nipple piercing. The quality of this art is definitely good enough for Danbooru, I'd have to assume this is just approver preference in what kind of tags they just personally find bad. If that isnt the case, what is particularly wrong with these pieces?

Also why were these two deleted? They just seem good enough and have previous artist history:
post #7125806
post #7226236

I'd really appreciate a response.

Thank you

could someone tell my why these posts i uploaded were deleted?
post #7254885
post #7254888

the post was reviewed by 11 approvers and not one single one of them liked it, did i get a tag wrong? i don't watch one piece so im not sure if i got the male character's name right...

but aside from that could someone tell me what is wrong this these posts?