As of recent, the traditional_clothes tag has been deprecated, and I would like to ask if we can have it back. It is often not obvious what particular type of national costume is referenced in a picture, unless the author explicitly mentions that. We can expect authors to use inspiration from all kinds of regional costumes. In Poland alone every region has its own folk style, and I'd expect similar level of representation from other nations. Recognizing folk styles referenced is a subject for folk studies, not for casual danbooru users.
As of now, forcing users to only use specific nation-referencing tags motivates them to tag with whatever feels good to them - probably their own country, if they find the costume similar enough. Case to point, post #7194424, which I just uploaded. Outside of lore telling me Remilia is referencing Vlad Tepes, who was (let's keep it simple) Romanian, I have no way to guess if this is Romanian costume or author looked up general European folk costumes on pinterest for reference.
Another point, a user who wants to look up all kinds of traditional costumes, without specifically looking up Mayan or Ukrainian or Chinese ones, is restricted to old posts.