While updating one of the wiki pages for a copyright I had the idea of adding a new relation between characters tag and the copyright tag. Most copyright wiki pages have a more or less well maintained list of characters, that are related to the copyright.
To be honest, this is the worst of all solutions, because characters may be left out, could be misspelled or in some other way no be associated to the copyright.
This relation between copyright and character could be used to:
* Create automatically lists of characters for copyright wiki pages ("Associated characters: <list of character wikis>").
* Add automatically a link to the copyright on the character page ("This character belongs to <link to copyright wiki>.").
* Create a tag implication for <character> -> <copyright>.
* Create a ambiguity page while searching for characters with a similiar name, but that belong to different copyrights (This could be resolved with <name of character> -> ambiguity page -> list of <name of character>_(<copyright>)).
* unify the layout of character tags (<name of character>_(<copyright>)).
Of course there are also drawbacks:
* The tag implication feature handles this already. Why bother to implement a redundant feature?
* Characters aren't associated at all with a copyright (Mascots or free characters like cap-tan. Those could be handled by implementing this relation <copyright> 0-1 <- * <character> or in other words: the relation is optional.).
* A character could be related to several copyrights (Although I couldn't remember any special example for this case.).
Any remarks?
Updated by jxh2154