Only 1 approver checked this one post #6949966.
Posted under General
Only 1 approver checked this one post #6949966.
Nerom said:
sooo ummm
what's wrong with those 2? why they were not accepted? or it was just "3 days without anyone checking it and auto-mode yeeted it into trash" thing?
post #7080918
post #7080902I GUESS you didn't accepted this one post #7055716 because it's chibi (idk what's wrong with that, weird it was not accepted) but first two?
gentle bump.
I'm just getting started with this and wanted to know if I could get some feedback about these
post #7100504
post #7101740
Why did two of these get approved but the other two didn't? I can sort of understand the last one considering it's not even a human character but there's nothing wrong with the first one imo. The art style is also on par with the rest of the artist's work.
post #7098681
post #7098683
The first is my own upload, the other two are appeal requests made by me for deleted artworks.
post #7097785
post #4273542
post #6937084
So, why did these not get approved? Is it the image quality? The tagging quality? The content? Something else?
Input on this would be much appreciated...
Could I please get some feedback on these unapproved posts? They're similar in content to related posts from the artists have been approved, and they're all good quality with anatomical accuracy.
This post of mine got deleted. Is there a reason why?
MF144 said:
Why weren't these approved, even tho some were appealed?
post #5794354
post #7090562
post #7097789
post #6956333
post #6992948
post #6993083
post #7059901
post #7010806
post #7010876
post #7024768
post #7098289
post #7078720
post #7098712
post #7098749
post #7062194
gentle bump
A bunch of cute boys I posted at around the same time from the same artist were approved, except for only this one.
I have three approved images from this artist. So, why this image was deleted?
Why were these deleted?
post #7107584
post #7107586
Why were these deleted same style of art by same artists have been approved so I don't why these got deleted? I don't understand why they deleted it, it says that 11 thinkers approved it but that it was not enough.
majomajo_uzumaki said: I don't understand why they deleted it, it says that 11 thinkers approved it but that it was not enough.
It doesn't say that 11 approvers approved it. It says that 11 approvers saw it, but they didn't like the image enough to approve it.
Hello, could you tell me why these images were removed?
post #6300959
post #6244264
Please consider reviewing it again. From my point of view these posts have very good quality. Please give them another chance.
What's wrong with this post #7111778 post #7115501
I tried appealing these but they're still rejected:
What is the issue with post #7115021?
magmelia said:
post #7039276bump again
was told after appealing that porn is held to higher standards. may i request more detailed feedback?
Not sure what the issue was with post #7105173. Any feedback?