
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

I'm still a new user who's finding how good a post needs to be to get thru.
What do post #6994667 and post #6996979 miss? Is it the quality of the drawings or something I forgot to do I should remember next time?
I know I am focused on LoveLive! fanart since that is the only fandom I can find enough that hasn't been gotten to by others. Does this have anything to do with it?

minnazzo said:

I approved it because I mentioned the source months ago and it got replaced shortly after and weird fetish aside, I don't see a prominent problem with it. It did go through the queue three times though, it could get deleted again with a good reason.

togechu said:

post #6992295

Bad perspective in my opinion.

RRMG114514 said:

I know I am focused on LoveLive! fanart since that is the only fandom I can find enough that hasn't been gotten to by others. Does this have anything to do with it?

No, disapprovals are usually because of the image itself. I'd probably approve post #6996979 if it was more polished.

eemnehhaaii said:

what is wrong here, why 13 of 13 did not approve

The huge breasts for me.

Danbooru is supposed to be a independent centralized archival site, at least this is what I use it for. The shit that gets deleted simply because of approver's subjective values is kinda absurd.
A post should be approved by its archival value, and not simply on subjective artistic value.
Imagine having the same system...

vfu65 said:

Danbooru is supposed to be a independent centralized archival site, at least this is what I use it for. The shit that gets deleted simply because of approver's subjective values is kinda absurd.
A post should be approved by its archival value, and not simply on subjective artistic value.
Imagine having the same system...

You have successfully archived and it will trickle to other booru sites. "Deleted" posts are still on Danbooru and you can still see them by toggle, I personally keep them all visible by default and if it bothers you I suggest doing the same thing in settings.

zetsubousensei said:

You have successfully archived and it will trickle to other booru sites. "Deleted" posts are still on Danbooru and you can still see them by toggle, I personally keep them all visible by default and if it bothers you I suggest doing the same thing in settings.

Yeah, but that's not exactly great for people trying to lower their deletion ratio to get Contributor, unless the staff only look at recent uploads instead of ALL uploads. I honestly think that uploading to some of the more lenient imageboards if you don't think the approvers would subjectively like an image or consider it to be "anime" enough is probably a better idea, and then slowly making your way up to a Contributor rank on Danbooru with images you KNOW are going to get approved.

Thread tax:
post #6604907 Too western? Too simple? Mediocre shading?