
Every (plus 10 posts) missing bird implication in the bird tag group.

Posted under Tags

BUR #21500 has been rejected.


create implication albatross -> bird
create implication blue_jay -> bird
create implication blue-footed_booby -> bird
create implication cassowary -> bird
create implication condor -> bird
create implication cormorant -> bird
create implication egret_(animal) -> bird
create implication little_egret -> egret_(animal)
create implication emu -> bird
create implication flycatcher_(animal) -> bird
create implication blue-and-white_flycatcher -> flycatcher_(animal)
create implication canada_goose -> goose
create implication cockatoo -> parrot
create implication kingfisher -> bird
create implication common_kingfisher -> kingfisher
create implication magpie -> bird
create implication cardinal_(animal) -> bird
create implication osprey -> bird
create implication northern_white-faced_owl -> owl
create implication kakapo -> parrot
create implication lovebird -> parrot
create implication adelie_penguin -> penguin
create implication galapagos_penguin -> penguin
create implication rockhopper_penguin -> penguin
create implication dodo_(bird) -> pigeon
create implication potoo -> bird
create implication quail -> bird
create implication robin_(animal) -> bird
create implication black_swan_(bird) -> swan
create implication tit_(bird) -> bird
create implication woodpecker -> bird
create implication bittern -> bird
create implication great_blue_heron -> heron
create implication african_penguin -> penguin
create implication major_mitchell's_cockatoo -> cockatoo

Missing from Existing bird implications (Linking to page 2 here because first page is mostly "red bird", "blue bird" etc)

Here's the missing implications for every entry on tag group:birds plus some more that weren't listed.

Holy fuck this took hours.

Some were flat out missing the implication, eg albatross didn't imply bird, but most were missing the "category", eg out of the four crane species listed two already implied "crane_(animal)" and the other two didn't. Some also had a tag already but it wasn't on the tag group:birds list eg, "northeren_cardinal" was already listed in tag group birds but the "cardinal_(bird)" (changed to "cardinal_(animal)) wasn't even though the tag already existed.

Turns out most of these don't have ten posts, fuck me. I've kept the ones that do or most of them.

Original BUR that I'm keeping to work on

Notation is for what have been added not that they have already been implied
Imply albatross -> bird ✅
Imply southern_royal_albatross-> albatross
Imply barred_buttonquail -> bird
Imply blue_jay -> bird ✅
Imply blue-footed_booby -> bird ✅
Imply cassowary -> bird ✅
Imply blue-eyed_cockatoo -> cockatoo
Imply major_mitchell’s_cockatoo -> cockatoo
Imply yellowtip_cockatoo_(idolmaster) -> cockatoo
Imply condor -> bird ✅
imply andean_condor -> condor
imply cormorant -> bird ✅
imply black_crowned_crane -> crane_(animal)
imply grey_crowned_crane -> crane_(animal)
imply siberian_crane -> crane_(animal)
imply carrion_crow -> crow
imply dusky_thrush -> bird
imply dusky_warbler -> bird
imply haast’s_eagle -> eagle
imply egret_(animal) -> bird ✅
imply little_egret -> egret_(animal) ✅
imply emu -> bird ✅
imply eurasian_bullfinch -> finch
imply japanese_grosbeak -> finch
imply double-barred_finch-> finch
imply gouldian_finch-> finch
imply java_sparrow-> finch
imply zebra_finch-> finch
imply flycatcher_(animal) -> bird ✅
imply blue-and-white_flycatcher-> flycatcher_(animal) ✅
imply Hill_blue _Flycatcher -> flycatcher_(animal)
imply Narcissus_Flycatcher -> flycatcher_(animal)
imply Verditer_Flycatcher -> flycatcher_(animal)
imply Yellow-rumped_Flycatcher -> flycatcher_(animal)
imply greater_white-fronted_goose -> goose
imply canada_goose -> goose ✅
imply audouin’s_gull -> seagull
imply belchers’s_gull -> seagull
imply black-billed_gull -> seagull
imply black-headed_gull -> seagull
imply black-tailed_gull -> seagull
imply california_gull -> seagull
imply glaucous_gull -> seagull
imply great_black-backed_gull -> seagull
imply grey_gull -> seagull
imply grey-headed_gull -> seagull
imply heermann’s_gull -> seagull
imply herring_gull -> seagull
imply ivory_gull -> seagull
imply lava_gull -> seagull
imply little_gull -> seagull
imply mediterranean_gull -> seagull
imply pallas’s_gull -> seagull
imply ring-billed_gull -> seagull
imply ross’s_gull -> seagull
imply sabine’s_gull -> seagull
imply slaty-backed_gull -> seagull
imply sooty_gull -> seagull
imply swallow-tailed_gull -> seagull
imply vega_gull -> seagull
imply white-eyed_gull -> seagull
imply goshawk -> hawk
imply cockatoo -> parrot ✅
imply japanese_sparrowhawk -> hawk
imply harris's_hawk -> hawk
imply chinese_pond_heron -> heron
imply great_blue_heron -> heron ✅
imply grey_heron -> heron
imply striated_heron -> heron
imply japanese_bush_warbler -> bird
imply japanese_robin -> robin_(animal)
imply japanese_white-eye -> bird
imply kingfisher -> bird ✅
imply common_kingfisher -> kingfisher ✅
imply crested_kingfisher -> kingfisher
imply kookaburra
imply southern_brown_kiwi -> kiwi_(bird)
imply kori_bustard -> bird
imply lilac_breasted_roller -> bird
imply long-tailed_widowbird -> bird
imply magpie -> bird ✅
imply azure-winged_magpie -> magpie
imply black-throated_magpie-jay -> magpie
imply taiwan_blue_magpie -> magpie
imply meadow_bunting -> bird
imply moa_(animal) -> bird
imply south_island_giant_moa -> moa_(animal)
imply northern_cardinal -> cardinal_(animal)
imply cardinal_(animal) -> bird ✅
imply northeren_lapwing -> lapwing
imply lapwing -> bird
imply nuthatch -> bird
imply oriental_dollarbird -> bird
imply oriole -> bird
imply black-headed_oriole -> oriole
imply black-naped_oriole -> oriole
imply bullock's_oriole -> oriole
imply oriole -> bird
imply osprey -> bird ✅
imply burrowing_owl -> owl
imply northern_white-faced_owl_owl -> owl ✅
imply southern_boobook -> owl
imply golden_parakeet -> parakeet
imply jandaya_parakeet -> parakeet
imply rose-ringed_parakeet -> parakeet
imply black-headed_parrot -> parrot
imply eclectus_parrot -> parrot
imply kakapo -> parrot ✅
imply kea_(animal) -> parrot
imply lovebird -> parrot ✅
imply pacific_parrotlet -> parrot
imply yellow-headed_amazon -> parrot
imply adelie_penguin -> penguin ✅
imply african_penguin -> penguin
imply fiordland_penguin -> penguin
imply galapagos_penguin -> penguin ✅
imply little_penguin -> penguin
imply rockhopper_penguin -> penguin ✅
imply yellow-eyed_penguin -> penguin
imply Anthropornis -> penguin
imply Anthropornis -> penguin
imply giant_penguin -> penguin
imply copper_pheasant -> pheasant
imply ijima_copper_pheasant -> pheasant
imply golden_pheasant -> pheasant
imply green_pheasant -> pheasant
imply lady_amherst's_pheasant -> pheasant
imply pheasant-tailed_jacana -> bird
imply dodo_(bird) -> pigeon ✅
imply fantail_pigeon -> pigeon
imply white-bellied_green_pigeon -> pigeon
imply little_ringed_plover -> plover_(animal)
imply potoo -> bird ✅
imply quail -> bird ✅
imply japanese_quail -> quail
imply raggiana_bird-of-paradise -> bird
imply redstart_(animal) -> bird
imply blue-fronted_redstart -> redstart_(animal)
imply daurian_redstart -> redstart_(animal)
imply resplendent_quetzal -> bird
imply robin_(animal) -> bird ✅
imply japanese_robin -> _robin_(animal)
imply roadrunner_(animal) -> bird
imply ryukyu_minivet -> bird
imply siberian_rubythroat -> bird
imply oriental_stork -> stork
imply tree_swallow -> swallow_(bird)
imply black_swan_(bird) -> swan ✅
imply takahe -> bird
imply tomtit_(bird) -> bird
imply tit_(bird) -> bird ✅
imply eurasian_blue_tit -> tit_(bird)
imply great_tit -> tit_(bird)
imply japanese_tit -> tit_bird)
Imply wagtail -> bird
imply Black-backed_Wagtail -> wagtail
imply Grey_Wagtail -> wagtail
imply White_Wagtail -> wagtail
imply Japanese_Wagtail -> wagtail
imply white-bellied_go-away-bird -> bird
imply starling -> bird
imply white-cheeked_starling -> starling
imply woodpecker -> bird ✅
imply great_spotted_woodpecker -> woodpecker
imply yellow_bittern -> bittern
imply bittern -> bird ✅

Over the following days I will clean up the temp wiki pages.

Note some currently "soon to be elligble" birds
African penguin
king penguin
hyacinth macaw
golden eagle
Japanese tit

Edit: Since there was some talk of removing bird implications

Just take a look at the most common birds:

With and without furry tags blacklisted (furry, costume and kemono_friends)

All resultsFurry tags blacklistedPercentage non furry
98.7% Non furry
97.3% Non furry
98.6% Non furry
98.2% Non furry
97.8% Non furry
The rest

Thanks excel! and online table generators because I am NOT typing all that shit in dtext. I couldn't be fucked to calculate percentage for all of them.

All resultsFurry tags blacklistedPercentage non furry
TOTAL394523853197.6% Non furry
chicken4129407998.7% Non furry
cockatoo119119100% Non furry
cuckoo77100% Non furry
daurian_redstart66100% Non furry
duck4028394597.3% Non furry
eagle1814178398.2% Non furry
finch3838100% Non furry
flamingo398386Removed inflatable_flamingo too
frogmouth1616100% Non furry
hummingbird112112100% Non furry
japanese_white-eye137137100% Non furry
java_sparrow9090100% Non furry
nightingale_(bird)55100% Non furry
pheasant4242100% Non furry
pigeon1074105197.8% Non furry
plover_(animal)2121100% Non furry
seagull3901384798.6% Non furry
vulture4040100% Non furry

Chicken: 207 pages, 4100 posts
chicken furry: 3 pages
chicken costume: 1 page, 4 posts 2 of which have actual chickens post #2586392 (It's the chicken wearing a costume...) post #5712716
chicken kemono_friends: 1 page, 3 posts

Duck: 202 pages, 4000 posts
duck furry: 4 pages
duck costume: 1 page, 5 posts. 2 of which has actual ducks. post #5712716 <- same post as in chicken costume, post #295506
duck kemono_friends: 1 page, 14 posts, many actual ducks

Seagull: 196 pages, 3900 posts
seagull furry: 2 pages, most of which are furries on beach with actual gulls. Eg, post #5878483 post #5475508
seagull costume: 1 page, 1 post
seagull kemono_friends: 1 page, 20 posts

Eagle: 91 pages, 1800 posts
eagle furry: 1 page, 17 posts
eagle costume: 1 page, 1 post, has braviary. post #2586637
eagle kemono_friends: 1 page, 13 posts

Pigeon: 54 pages, 1100 posts
pigeon furry: 1 page, 13 posts
pigeon costume: 1 page, 1 post
pigeon kemono_friends: 1 page. 9 posts. Mostly actual pigeon. post #6290116 post #5101986 post #4239823 post #3004718 post #2941851 post #4329757

What's really missing is the animal tag for most of them NOT making it even more inaccurate by removing the bird implication when people upload (since most apparently remember not to tag kemonos with the species but forget to tag actual animals with animal.)


Why are you implying dodo to pidgeon?

I dont HATE the idea of this, the main argument mentioned also in your koi thread is the idea of animal girls. For example post #2925260 is tagged as Kingfisher. But personally I think thats stupid, we have penguin girl and other more specific tags so I dont think the main animal tags should be held hostage by kemonomomimi. I'd propose clearing out these tags and implying to the animal type. Granted I'd also be intrested in other opinions.

zetsubousensei said:

I dont HATE the idea of this, the main argument mentioned also in your koi thread is the idea of animal girls. For example post #2925260 is tagged as Kingfisher. But personally I think thats stupid, we have penguin girl and other more specific tags so I dont think the main animal tags should be held hostage by kemonomomimi. I'd propose clearing out these tags and implying to the animal type. Granted I'd also be intrested in other opinions.

Consider post #6190776 (anomalocaris girl), post #6407237 (sacabambaspis girl), post #2623632 (black widow spider girl). Do we really want to fall into the rabbit hole of having to create thousands of one-post tags like this?
And furthermore, isn't it more natural for someone to just search for anomalocaris + personification? What about ambiguous *other characters? Do we really want sacabambaspis girl, sacabambaspis boy and sacabambaspis other? You can see how this idea quickly falls into absurdity.

nonamethanks said:

Consider post #6190776 (anomalocaris girl), post #6407237 (sacabambaspis girl), post #2623632 (black widow spider girl). Do we really want to fall into the rabbit hole of having to create thousands of one-post tags like this?
And furthermore, isn't it more natural for someone to just search for anomalocaris + personification? What about ambiguous *other characters? Do we really want sacabambaspis girl, sacabambaspis boy and sacabambaspis other? You can see how this idea quickly falls into absurdity.

I would tag those most of those more broadly fish girl, spider girl, ect, until i had enough to justify a tag. Most niche animal girls are drawn with the animal they're personifying, though I recognize in the kingfisher example above it would be hard to find. There isn't a good solution in those cases.

zetsubousensei said:

Why are you implying dodo to pidgeon?

I dont HATE the idea of this, the main argument mentioned also in your koi thread is the idea of animal girls. For example post #2925260 is tagged as Kingfisher. But personally I think thats stupid, we have penguin girl and other more specific tags so I dont think the main animal tags should be held hostage by kemonomomimi. I'd propose clearing out these tags and implying to the animal type. Granted I'd also be intrested in other opinions.

Okay I'm a bit confused about what you mean because I can't tell if the second paragraph is meant as a continuation of the first sentence and that somewhat changes the meaning, but assuming they are separate points:

1) Dodos were pigeons, the largest pigeon before their extinction (Fun fact of the day: current largest is the victoria crowned pigeon, closet living relative of the dodo is the nicobar pigeon).

Look at this gorgeous thing:

2) I completely agree with you on the whole "hostage by kemono" thing. Especially since all of these were already existing tags. The only tags I created to make that bur were "super categories" when an individual bird had a tag but the type of bird didn't (on the top of my head the only one I can remember is yellow_bittern having a tag but not bittern, but I know there's more).

nonamethanks said:

Consider post #6190776 (anomalocaris girl), post #6407237 (sacabambaspis girl), post #2623632 (black widow spider girl). Do we really want to fall into the rabbit hole of having to create thousands of one-post tags like this?
And furthermore, isn't it more natural for someone to just search for anomalocaris + personification? What about ambiguous *other characters? Do we really want sacabambaspis girl, sacabambaspis boy and sacabambaspis other? You can see how this idea quickly falls into absurdity.

I don't really see how this relates to bird implications? How does albatross implying bird effect personifications more than goose implying bird? Most of them are missing from Existing bird implications (Linking to page 2 here because first page is mostly "red bird", "blue bird" etc)


War6t2 said:

Okay I'm a bit confused about what you mean because I can't tell if the second paragraph is meant as a continuation of the first sentence and that somewhat changes the meaning, but assuming they are separate points:

1) Dodos were pigeons, the largest pigeon before their extinction (Fun fact of the day: current largest is the victoria crowned pigeon, closet living relative of the dodo is the nicobar pigeon).

Those are very pretty birds.

If you look at the main pigeon tag dodos aren't what people are looking for I wouldn't imply them. They are very visually distinct even if the taxonomy is linked.

I still stand by my opinions above, but NNT's points are also valid. I guess there isn't a good solution.

zetsubousensei said:

Those are very pretty birds.

If you look at the main pigeon tag dodos aren't what people are looking for I wouldn't imply them. They are very visually distinct even if the taxonomy is linked.

I still stand by my opinions above, but NNT's points are also valid. I guess there isn't a good solution.

Fair, I WAS debating the dodo specifically because I don't know how common knowledge that is and they are probably the least "pigeon looking" pigeon on the site. But I stand with the other ones simply for following the general pattern of animals being implied. See various parrots and eagles for instance.

Another solution, and before someone asks yes I'll do the tag gardening for it. Tag the "pigeon" correctly. What people actually mean most of the time is the "rock dove", either create a tag for that or something like "city pigeon" and have it imply pigeon. But I think just having rock doves be tagged as pigeons should be fine also because of common usage, while still having other species imply pigeon.

On a related note: The pigeon/dove tagging system ("If it's white tag as dove") is ass. First of all, what about packs of them with one white individual? second of all IMO it's very similar to raven vs crow. There isn't a concrete difference between "pigeon" and "dove", in general larger species tend to be called pigeons and smaller species tend to be called doves. I suggest white_dove replace the current dove tag and imply it to pigeon. Hell, imo it's an even better example than raven/crow because as far as I know there is a bigger difference between raven and crows than pigeons and doves.

Also I wanted to ask the higher ups: Victoria crowned pigeon isn't the only crowned pigeon (just the biggest) but they look VERY similar, is it alright if I make a general "crowned_pigeon" tag, get victoria_crowned_pigeon to 10 posts and have it imply crowned_pigeon with any bird that looks like this but doesn't have species dated being tagged crowned_pigeon? The victoria is probably the most popular one and what is most likely intended by non bird-nerd artists, but just to be sure.


BUR #21568 has been rejected.

create implication albatross -> bird
create implication blue_jay -> bird
create implication blue-footed_booby -> bird
create implication cassowary -> bird
create implication condor -> bird
create implication cormorant -> bird
create implication egret_(animal) -> bird
create implication emu -> bird
create implication flycatcher_(animal) -> bird
create implication kingfisher -> bird
create implication magpie -> bird
create implication cardinal_(animal) -> bird
create implication osprey -> bird
create implication potoo -> bird
create implication quail -> bird
create implication robin_(animal) -> bird
create implication tit_(bird) -> bird
create implication woodpecker -> bird
create implication bittern -> bird

Alternatively, here is the "imply bird" only version if people dislike "subcategories". Though I personally disagree with that as we already have those for many (mostly various types of parrot?) on the bird tag group list.

I mean look at any of these.

Okay, now that I finally went back and read through this as a bit of a bird nerd myself, I'll give you my opinion on this whole thing:

While I'm not personally against the idea of subcategories for birds, my main qualm is that often times it can be visibly very hard to tell what kind of animal an artist intends to draw other than pigeon or hawk or goose. While I do think it can be cool to be able to identify the exact sort of bird in the few cases where you can, does that really justify having hyper-specific tags for all these things? The vast majority of people can't tell the difference between the many different kinds of birds out there. Only what shape they look like. In my opinion, that's actually for the best, as Danbooru is an image gallery first and a taxonomy site...never. So why do we need hyperspecific bird tags like common kingfisher or blue-and-white flycatcher? Aren't the basic kingfisher and flycatcher (animal) tags enough?

My opinion on this matter is that subcategories should only be used for the most visibly distinct of a category of bird. Like for example barn owls. They're noticeably very different from your average tawny or great-horned owl. I can see the average non-bird nerd wanting to search for those. But for hyperspecific ones like the blue-and-white flycatcher, I can only see the most dedicated of taxonomists using those, which is...not what this site is for.

(Also, yes, I do have the same issues with implying dodo to pigeon as previously mentioned. Nobody searches pigeon wanting to see dodos, even if it is taxonomically correct.)

I do agree that for the more visually distinct birds like egrets and potoos that they should be naturally implied to bird. I just question the utility of hyperspecific bird tags when most people can't tell the difference anyway.

Maiden_in_Orange said:

Okay, now that I finally went back and read through this as a bit of a bird nerd myself, I'll give you my opinion on this whole thing:

While I'm not personally against the idea of subcategories for birds, my main qualm is that often times it can be visibly very hard to tell what kind of animal an artist intends to draw other than pigeon or hawk or goose. While I do think it can be cool to be able to identify the exact sort of bird in the few cases where you can, does that really justify having hyper-specific tags for all these things? The vast majority of people can't tell the difference between the many different kinds of birds out there. Only what shape they look like. In my opinion, that's actually for the best, as Danbooru is an image gallery first and a taxonomy site...never. So why do we need hyperspecific bird tags like common kingfisher or blue-and-white flycatcher? Aren't the basic kingfisher and flycatcher (animal) tags enough?

My opinion on this matter is that subcategories should only be used for the most visibly distinct of a category of bird. Like for example barn owls. They're noticeably very different from your average tawny or great-horned owl. I can see the average non-bird nerd wanting to search for those. But for hyperspecific ones like the blue-and-white flycatcher, I can only see the most dedicated of taxonomists using those, which is...not what this site is for.

(Also, yes, I do have the same issues with implying dodo to pigeon as previously mentioned. Nobody searches pigeon wanting to see dodos, even if it is taxonomically correct.)

I do agree that for the more visually distinct birds like egrets and potoos that they should be naturally implied to bird. I just question the utility of hyperspecific bird tags when most people can't tell the difference anyway.

Edit: Ah I misread that and thought you wanted to do away with the "category" tags like kingfisher, swan, eagle, etc. But no, while I'm willing to concede with the dodo implication most of these already exist for a reason and are visually distinct. Macaws are probably the best example. Look at their subtags.


Maiden_in_Orange said:

While I do think it can be cool to be able to identify the exact sort of bird in the few cases where you can, does that really justify having hyper-specific tags for all these things? The vast majority of people can't tell the difference between the many different kinds of birds out there. Only what shape they look like.

As long as you can tell which animal it is and it isn't visually indistinct with others or can be searched with other tags, I think it's fine. There are color tags for birds and blue-and-white_flycatcher's prominent color is blue for example, so it could be searched with flycatcher + blue_bird.

War6t2 said:

Ah I misread that and thought you wanted to do away with the "category" tags like kingfisher, swan, eagle, etc. But no, while I'm willing to concede with the dodo implication most of these already exist for a reason and are visually distinct. Macaws are probably the best example. Look at their subtags.

My issue is with hyperspecific tags involving minute differences that only the most dedicated of taxonomy people can ever garden properly. For example, the many kinds of little brown songbirds all over the world. I don't think the average Danbooru user can tell the difference between, say, the Carolina Wren or the House Wren, much less the kinds seen in other countries like Japan, so specific tags for them would just be a mess.

I have no issue with tags for, say, bald eagles or the many different kinds of parrots existing. I just don't see a point in differentiating between specific species that only five people on here can tell the difference between. And I'm not entirely too sure if we need a tag for common kingfishers specifically when the regular kingfisher tag is doing just fine as is.

Sessyoin_Kiara said:

As long as you can tell which animal it is and it isn't visually indistinct with others or can be searched with other tags, I think it's fine. There are color tags for birds and blue-and-white_flycatcher's prominent color is blue for example, so it could be searched with flycatcher + blue_bird.

I didn't think about color at all when I initially typed that up, but I agree. Basically where my concerns are, which I don't think I worded too well. The bird color tags do exist for a reason after all.

I don't see the harm in having tags for subspecies, if they actually serve a searching purpose. It's one thing to have tags for penguin species when the main tag has 6k posts, but in the case of kingfisher there's less than two pages of results, and most are of the common kingfisher, so common kingfisher is effectively useless as a tag.

Also @War6t2 don't make temporary wikis for implications, or we will reject your BURs. The purpose of our wikis is to provide aid for taggers, and they're required for implications because we admins have to be able to tell whether your implications make sense.
Even a link to a picture of the animal in question as a reference for taggers is better than a bunch of scientific names nobody's ever going to read.

nonamethanks said:

I don't see the harm in having tags for subspecies, if they actually serve a searching purpose. It's one thing to have tags for penguin species when the main tag has 6k posts, but in the case of kingfisher there's less than two pages of results, and most are of the common kingfisher, so common kingfisher is effectively useless as a tag.

Also @War6t2 don't make temporary wikis for implications, or we will reject your BURs. The purpose of our wikis is to provide aid for taggers, and they're required for implications because we admins have to be able to tell whether your implications make sense.
Even a link to a picture of the animal in question as a reference for taggers is better than a bunch of scientific names nobody's ever going to read.

Got it. Though I don't think I was the one who did any of the "scientific name only" ones. I did recently edit osprey which did have a scientific name but my edit was linking it to the bird wiki page. I would still keep the name in those cases but alongside the other information.

Is "A type of bird/duck/gull/etc" alright?

As for the usability thing: if some of them ever get more widespread I would rather nib it in the bud beforehand. After all, penguin species didn't go from zero posts to 6k overnight, they had that awkward middle stage too. That's not accounting for other people beginning to use the tag (which I've seen with some warhammer ones) or untagged posts, in this case I found a lot when one of the kemono friends girls were depicted next to their animal. I think that's partially why some of the penguin tags were so popular. Even if it's niche if they have 10+ posts irare tags still serve for organizing what is already there for people who might want to look at those pics again and if it has a functional clearly defined wiki, then yes I would want the tag.


BUR #21589 has been rejected.


remove implication chicken -> bird
remove implication cockatiel -> bird
remove implication cockatoo -> bird
remove implication crane_(animal) -> bird
remove implication crow -> bird
remove implication cuckoo -> bird
remove implication daurian_redstart -> bird
remove implication dove -> bird
remove implication duck -> bird
remove implication eagle -> bird
remove implication falcon -> bird
remove implication finch -> bird
remove implication flamingo -> bird
remove implication frogmouth -> bird
remove implication goose -> bird
remove implication hawk -> bird
remove implication heron -> bird
remove implication hummingbird -> bird
remove implication japanese_white-eye -> bird
remove implication java_sparrow -> bird
remove implication kiwi_(bird) -> bird
remove implication nightingale_(bird) -> bird
remove implication ostrich -> bird
remove implication owl -> bird
remove implication parakeet -> bird
remove implication parrot -> bird
remove implication peacock -> bird
remove implication pelican -> bird
remove implication penguin -> bird
remove implication pheasant -> bird
remove implication pigeon -> bird
remove implication plover_(animal) -> bird
remove implication puffin -> bird
remove implication seagull -> bird
remove implication secretarybird -> bird
remove implication shoebill -> bird
remove implication sparrow -> bird
remove implication stork -> bird
remove implication swallow_(bird) -> bird
remove implication swan -> bird
remove implication toucan -> bird
remove implication vulture -> bird

This BUR pains me greatly. I, too, wish there was a way for bird species to simply imply bird. However, as outlined with the unfortunate animal girls and furries, there's no way to have that without also making a ton of related kemonomimi/furry tags. Therefore, if that's the case, the current species implications need to go as well.

nonamethanks said:

I don't see the harm in having tags for subspecies, if they actually serve a searching purpose. It's one thing to have tags for penguin species when the main tag has 6k posts, but in the case of kingfisher there's less than two pages of results, and most are of the common kingfisher, so common kingfisher is effectively useless as a tag.

Also @War6t2 don't make temporary wikis for implications, or we will reject your BURs. The purpose of our wikis is to provide aid for taggers, and they're required for implications because we admins have to be able to tell whether your implications make sense.
Even a link to a picture of the animal in question as a reference for taggers is better than a bunch of scientific names nobody's ever going to read.

There are 49 posts in total with either kingfisher as the tag or a kingfisher species. 44 out of 49 either are or appear to be common kingfisher. The other 5 are other species and have their species tags.

Kingfisher species do look quite distinctive from one another. You might need to know a bit about birds to tell which is which outside of the familiar common kingfisher but this isn't a group where your average person would struggle to tell them apart as is the case with, for instance, arctic tern and roseate tern. It's funny we have both of those tags when none of the birds in arctic tern are visibly identifiable as such from the image, unlike with the kingfishers where just about all of them are.

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