post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Is there anything wrong with these? They seem ok to me.

War6t2 said:

post #6801633

Other works by artist are approved. Someone else actually appealed this post independent of me so there's interest.

We allow "western" art, but in the end danbooru is still an imageboard that focuses on anime art and most approvers will rather approve anime images than something like this.

post #6836730
post #6836713

Why are these getting downvoted, much less deleted? The first post has a full background, it's very atmospheric, and the artist designed original costumes. The latter post was on the front page of deviantArt when it was uploaded. Their quality was top-tier for the time. Does it come down to mod opinion on subject matter/color palette? Are older artstyles just discouraged on Danbooru?"

I also found the selective coloring in post #6834695 to be beautiful. Is it just me?


I feel quite frustrated and discouraged by my recent experience with the modqueue.

Few months ago I could easily stay at around 38-40 upload slots, with most of my posts being approved very quickly; now, for the past 1-2 months, I sometimes have to stay with my slots maxed out for over 18+ hours, and can't even manage to get back to 30 slots; even though I believe that neither my interests nor quality standards have changed. The idea that the same post can either stay active and never get flagged or become deleted after 3 days - depending on who uploaded it - because, as it was mentioned many times even in this thread, "contributors bypass the modqueue", which to me sounds as "contributors are allowed to post unapprovable uploads (and if you are not one then fuck you)", feels quite unfair as well.

I can't see why cute comics like post #6820857 or post #6820846 got deleted, even though other 9 out of 11 Suzuran drawings by the same artist I posted at the same time were not. I can only infer that approvers sometimes don't want to touch either comics or wide/tall images with no distinguishable thumbnails - I see no other reason.
I don't believe that post #6803298 was deleted because of the image itself and not because it is third-party source CG extracted from game files with no other source available.

I don't get why some posts get approved and undeleted only after being deleted after 3 days. (like post #6836555, post #6836550, post #6821647, or just user:hdk5 flag_count:1 flagger:none appeal_count:0 approver:any is:active in general)

The same image can have an active inferior version from a contributor, but a better version posted later becomes deleted, like post #6806531 vs post #6805064 - I even uploaded it first, before the artist censored it, but couldn't post it right away while being throttled. (Also post #6652810, post #6449366, post #6449276, post #6449262, post #6285615, post #6193774, post #3262429)
The same goes for images with both better and worse posts uploaded by non-contributors - why is post #6771515 and variants are deleted, while post #6749746 was approved earlier? (Also post #6531774, post #6444571, post #6444563)
This feels especially wrong when the superior duplicate is of the post from user with the approval privilege (post #6815799, post #6571504)
Sometimes the slightly revised version bypasses the queue after the older post was already deleted (post #6570525, post #6648745)
Or even the worse version on some occasions (post #6732409)

I don't know why in case of variant sets the one image that interested me the most ends up being the only one deleted (post #6145134, post #6253793, post #6371391, post #6497137, post #6594525, post #6688306, post #6715874, post #6822077).

Sometimes it is the entire artist tag that is unfortunate of being overlooked. Like how is renocoffee status:active approver:none okay, but pool:20999 status:any (which even has one status:deleted child:active page) is not? (Also forum #254678, which I also never got a reply to)

And even then, without comparing anything to anything, I still genuinely believe that my own deletion ratio could be much better.

While using only my own posts as examples here, I am fairly certain there are other users below contributor level who experience the same issues. After all, I use the website to search for cute and funny anime girls (and boys too) myself, and am quite sure there are plenty of them get unnoticed by me because I wasn't there to fav them before the deletion. (I just keep my own list of pseudo-contributors which I exclude from `-status:deleted` search for that case - but that still isn't right to me.)


hdk5 said:

I don't know why in case of variant sets the one image that interested me the most ends up being the only one deleted (post #6145134, post #6253793, post #6371391, post #6497137, post #6594525, post #6688306, post #6715874, post #6822077).

I don't really want to write a reply to this whole post (especially because most of the things you're complaining about have been addressed ad nauseam already), but c'mon man, you really can't understand why your loli pissing fetish art is less likely to be approved? It's not exactly the most inoffensive/popular content.

hdk5 said:

I don't get why some posts get approved and undeleted only after being deleted after 3 days. (like post #6836555, post #6836550, post #6821647, or just user:hdk5 flag_count:1 flagger:none appeal_count:0 approver:any is:active in general)

Approvers are normal people that browse danbooru in their free time. Some don't have the time to check the modqueue everyday, which is why we have over 70 approvers to check it. This is the reason why some images are only approved after they were deleted. Sometimes images are approved when posted here, because they were overlooked before.

> post #6285615
You can't compare NSFW and SFW images. I would approve the sfw version but I dislike the NSFW image. These are simply different images.
If a parent image is deleted, while the SAME child is active, you can either appeal the parent post or flag the child image, like on post #3262429.

Take into account that you're uploading a lot of loli and pee uploads. While loli is probably not that hard to get through the queue, pee is on a way other level. Approvers are told to approve anything they would upload themselves and some probably have pee on their blacklist and don't even notice it. Some approvers probably even dislike NSFW uploads and will probably ignore them. You will have a harder time with getting pee images approved. While these images are probably uploadable, sometimes they aren't approvable, which is why Contributers can upload them without a problem.
This seems unfair, but there is probably no better way to deal with this problem. Contributers also have it easier to upload comics, simply because some approvers probably don't want to check a 20 upload comic and see if everything is alright about it.
There is no way, that the contributer privelege will be changed in the future. You would need to send them to the queue to make it "fair" and this will probably just worsen the problem.

Don't ask for pending images here. They're in the queue and can still be approved.

hdk5 said:
(Also forum #254678, which I also never got a reply to)

Asking for several artists/uploads here is a good way to get ignored. No one is going to check all of it.


vontedrago said:

Are all the posts I uploaded here get ignored, dissaproved, and deleted in three days? Why?

All? No, 4/10 of what you uploaded still made it through.

Posts getting ignored/marked (disinterested) is an indicator that an approver gave it a look and decided it wasn’t appealing enough in their eyes to immediately approve it. It’s says nothing about for how long they checked it, or how much they didn’t like it to not approve it. If something about the picture really stood out negatively, there’ll be a note explaining so. Three days is the ‘grace period’ for any person at all with approval authority to give a thumbs up on the work before it gets deleted.

Sometimes, ignoring a post is a way of nicely saying they don’t like it for whatever reason, especially when it regards a poster’s tastes or standards in their uploads. For example I remember someone posting one of my own drawings I put to my pixiv. While I feel that people approved the subject matter, it was clear the technical quality wasn’t par to meet anyone’s threshold of approval. Thus it was silently deleted after three days.

I’ll even give the link since I still got some pride in it. Be nice if somebody more skilled could recreate it: