
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Shibi said:

If you want my honest opinion, it seems amateurish or traced, seeing how the line weight is always consistent with jaggy edges and very odd areas like the hands and eyes.
Favourites aren't measures of quality, especially on an nsfw drawing.

That was the feedback suggestion?

Shibi said:

If you want my honest opinion, it seems amateurish or traced, seeing how the line weight is always consistent with jaggy edges and very odd areas like the hands and eyes.
Favourites aren't measures of quality, especially on an nsfw drawing.

Are you the moderator or something? So pics are only deleted based on moderator's opinions and not due to other technical factors?

AnylinxCo said:

That was the feedback suggestion?

Are you the moderator or something? So pics are only deleted based on moderator's opinions and not due to other technical factors?

Shibi is an approver, and posts are deleted if an approver doesn't approve them within 3 days of posting (that is, only 1 approver liking the post enough to approve is actually required).

Approvers aren't obligated in any way to approve posts they don't like enough, regardless of quality.

NPEE2003 said:

post #6811113 what wrong for this?

The parent post is a higher quality, watermarkless version, which is probably why the child post wasn't approved when they were uploaded at the same time. In such cases, it's better to only upload the higher quality version.