War6t2 said:
Thank you. I'm essentially attempting to grind it for the account benefits (which gives me a strange case of imposter syndrome because I've never even had a BUR approved and feel like a noob). I see builder is lower but the definition seems much more subjective than the "roughly 750 approved posts with less than 5 percent deletion"? Like blank_user above's immense forum contribution.
I was initially planning on just making this a collection of images and such I like. Which would be hard when trying to find and tag 750 that are also appropriate for this website. I saw barapedia was the secondary account of someone and got the account level transferred as a result. From what I can tell what gets approved the fastest is...... half naked anime girls. which I have little personal interest in.
So can I make a second account and fill it with half naked anime girls and other content that is of little personal interest to me but suits danbooru until it reaches contributor or builder and have that level transferred to this "main" account here, or was that a special case with barapedia?
If your aim is to be a contributor, what you upload is what you will be judged on. If you get unresctricted, and proceed to upload completely different content, you bet it will raise some eyebrows with the mod/admin team.
Upload what you want and learn what constitutes as good enough quality. Many have made it to contributor, sticking to what they love.