
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

I have a question that I wish the wiki would answer more clearly: Can the same object be a bow and a ribbon?

bow for YES:

Bows are often made of ribbons.

bow for NO(?):

If the material that makes up the tail of a bow is far longer than the width of the bow it should be tagged as a ribbon.

ribbon for YES:

May be tied into any sort of knot, often a bow.

ribbon for NO:

post #844003: On top of her hair that should be consider a ribbon. The ribbon tying the hair tails together however should be consider a bow.

So, can the same thing be a bow and a ribbon? I plan to tweak some phrasing in those two wiki pages based on the answer, unless someone tells me not to.

bad_idea said:

The ribbon is a strip of fabric that can be tied into a bow, but we keep them separate and if you use hair ribbon + hair bow or hair bow + ribbon to describe a single object you might annoy someone. The hair ribbon may have rounded edges and typically doesn’t have a tail, whereas the hair bow usually has a tail (except for the mini versions) and always retains the signature triangle bow shape.

Neck ribbons look much closer to bowties but have longer tails and may be thinner, whereas bowties have equally sized bows and tails and may not even feature a tail (traditional bowtie).

TL;DR they are separated because of appearance, don’t use both tags for one object.

humanfilth said:

Pretty sure this counts as cosplay since the character is an indie vtuber, though I don't know if they have a tag on here.

Edit: link to the vtuber

Doesn't look like there's any tag yet for this character nor artist tag for the person behind it, unsurprisingly, since indie vtubers rarely get fanart before they debut.
Adding the cosplay tags then, thanks