BUR #19194 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
category normin_(tales) -> general
Normin is the name of a species, which are typically gentags instead of chartags.
Posted under Tags
BUR #19194 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
category normin_(tales) -> general
Normin is the name of a species, which are typically gentags instead of chartags.
The discriminant is whether the characters under the species/race all look the same, to the point where they might as well be the same character for the purpose of visual identification (such as with Pikachu or other pokemon). For this case, they all seem to look different (post #5765786, post #5847944, post #6068057), so it should be a gentag.
According to the tales of wiki Edna's Normin is called Phoenix, but we're just tagging that specific character as the species instead of having a Phoenix_(tales) tag here. Someone who cares about that franchise should fix this.
The bulk update request #19194 (forum #251131) has been approved by @nonamethanks.