post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Wikis

Posted under General

We have a thread dedicated for deleting pointless pools, but what about a thread for deleting pointless wiki entries? Lately, people have been making frivolous wiki entries for things like their favorites or themselves.

There's two recent articles that should probably be deleted: 月奇 and jessica nigri.

Updated by Toks

Tieria said:
Uh, lol. -> fav:idiotska

Edit: Hurr, user who created it also made another shitty entry (Arche Klein) which Kayako fixed, then PM'd me "lol u mad" or some shit for the negative record (not the first time a user has done something similar, but yeah).

"I bet she fucks like a tiger" was a famous line from the DeJap fan translation of tales of phantasia, so that wasn't total vandalism. Just thought I'd point that out in case you were unaware. In fact if I had seen it first I'd have been inclined to leave it at the bottom of the article, heh.

0xCCBA696 said:
"I bet she fucks like a tiger" was a famous line from the DeJap fan translation of tales of phantasia, so that wasn't total vandalism. Just thought I'd point that out in case you were unaware. In fact if I had seen it first I'd have been inclined to leave it at the bottom of the article, heh.

I had no idea, just seemed like... well, typical trashy behavior.

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