BobTheBuilder_v1 said:
approvals are an interest-based system. if an approver doesn’t like an image enough, they’ll pass on it. images of popular characters/copyrights can help some and provide a greater margin of leniency for minor flaws/dislikes, but this particular one being from an obscure character + weirdly small limbs + “generic big tits 1girl solo image” + blank white background are all elements that lose hypothetical approvers.
It should be the opposite, no? A higher level of scrutiny should apply to popular characters, but semi obscure ones shouldn't have this much trouble getting new art. I understand it's just pinup, but it's notable because of the outfit the character is wearing. I've always felt that variety is important for sites like this, and Ivy doesn't have any art uploaded that shows off this particular look for her.
Re: weirdly short limbs, I think her legs are fine in length. Her arms look a tad squished, but if she were to rest them at her side they would reach her hips which is proportional. It's an exaggerated pinup drawing rather than being the artist intentionally screwing up.
also consider that of the ~60 (if my memory serves me right) active approvers only about half will see an image within its three-day modqueue window, so it never hurts to appeal and maybe someone who missed it the first time will sufficiently like it.
I understand why it has to be that way due to the frankly absurd amount of art being uploaded on a daily basis. I get that it's hard work. I just fear the appeal system might be limited in its current state, and that if someone doesn't get matched up with the right approver it's a done deal and nothing can be done.
I understand this logic, and danbooru was established with the goal of being a digital art archive, but the higher level of curation is what keeps us from turning into a site like sankaku where two legs and a vague semblance of art style passes the bar.
I get that, I really do. That's why I came here instead of associating with Sankaku and their literal bigots. I just feel strongly about this piece, and the character. I'm not an approver and I don't presume to know better than them, but considering Ivy already has art like this uploaded (which to be clear I think is great but clearly has exaggerated boobs moving in two different directions for effect) i don't think this piece would be that egregious. Just my two cents