
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

BobTheBuilder_v1 said:

approvals are an interest-based system. if an approver doesn’t like an image enough, they’ll pass on it. images of popular characters/copyrights can help some and provide a greater margin of leniency for minor flaws/dislikes, but this particular one being from an obscure character + weirdly small limbs + “generic big tits 1girl solo image” + blank white background are all elements that lose hypothetical approvers.

It should be the opposite, no? A higher level of scrutiny should apply to popular characters, but semi obscure ones shouldn't have this much trouble getting new art. I understand it's just pinup, but it's notable because of the outfit the character is wearing. I've always felt that variety is important for sites like this, and Ivy doesn't have any art uploaded that shows off this particular look for her.

Re: weirdly short limbs, I think her legs are fine in length. Her arms look a tad squished, but if she were to rest them at her side they would reach her hips which is proportional. It's an exaggerated pinup drawing rather than being the artist intentionally screwing up.

also consider that of the ~60 (if my memory serves me right) active approvers only about half will see an image within its three-day modqueue window, so it never hurts to appeal and maybe someone who missed it the first time will sufficiently like it.

I understand why it has to be that way due to the frankly absurd amount of art being uploaded on a daily basis. I get that it's hard work. I just fear the appeal system might be limited in its current state, and that if someone doesn't get matched up with the right approver it's a done deal and nothing can be done.

I understand this logic, and danbooru was established with the goal of being a digital art archive, but the higher level of curation is what keeps us from turning into a site like sankaku where two legs and a vague semblance of art style passes the bar.

I get that, I really do. That's why I came here instead of associating with Sankaku and their literal bigots. I just feel strongly about this piece, and the character. I'm not an approver and I don't presume to know better than them, but considering Ivy already has art like this uploaded (which to be clear I think is great but clearly has exaggerated boobs moving in two different directions for effect) i don't think this piece would be that egregious. Just my two cents


Generally speaking, because some are repeating it over and over: It doesn't matter if images from the same artist were approved before. Approvers only look at single images and not a whole set. Artists can makes mistakes. Artists sometimes draw bad images too.
This is also not an appeal thread, but one where you should ask for feedback. So telling us that other images were approved before, doesn't really help at all. Rather point out, why you believe the image is worthy to be approved.

Nacha said:
Generally speaking, because some are repeating it over and over: It doesn't matter if images from the same artist were approved before. Approvers only look at single images and not a whole set.

Yes, the staff has been upfront about assessing art on its merits. But it's easy to see why that mistake is consistently being made in the first place. There's always a reason an uploader goes out of their way to vouch for a piece of art. Maybe it moved them. Maybe it was a piece by a friend or someone they admired. Maybe it's something they want others to see that is represented on their favorite site. I'm not opposed to the current system, but it's not a surprise people are insistent on pushing why their uploads were deleted. You put a part of yourself every time you vouch for art, so you're invariably going to feel personally slighted when it's rejected. That doesn't mean the system should change, but I'm just pointing out the simple facts here.

Artists can makes mistakes. Artists sometimes draw bad images too. This is also not an appeal thread, but one where you should ask for feedback. So telling us that other images were approved before, doesn't really help at all. Rather point out, why you believe the image is worthy to be approved.

I emphatically disagree. Art is *fundamentally*, subjective. Ascribing objectivity to your actions is wrong, and saying "artists sometimes draw bad images too" borders on insulting. I'm not counting my own appeal here, but I've seen several deleted pieces that were demonstrably great but weren't approved because they were simply passed over (ex:

That's the long and short of it. Sometimes good stuff gets passed up because it wasn't approved in time. To argue otherwise, implies a certain level of authority on "art" I feel that's frankly impossible.

As CoreMack put it roughly a month ago

The vast majority of deleted art never gets a "Poor Quality" disapproval, those are the exception not the norm. Disinterest is the default approval reason, and most approvers don't even bother clicking that (which makes it seems like only 10 approvers reviewed it, when more likely 20+ did). If it was good enough, they would click Approve. If everything not Poor Quality was auto-approved, it would lead to a drastic reduction in the overall quality standards of the site, which is a non-starter.

What you and other newer users typically don't understand is that deletion is the default for uploads from non-unres users, and this is intentional. "It isn't awful but no one liked it enough" is the main reason for deletion and that is by design.

This is an understandable perspective, especially given the large amount of art uploaded daily. It's an endless, thankless task for ~60 people. But calling art you've rejected bad or implying that artists "sometimes make bad art" for decisions you may or may not agree with and especially when artists pour their souls into making something work is a step too far.

Starwave said:


You can appeal these posts if you think so. I share your thoughts of wanting to populate stuff you like, but we have to be picky.

Every single image in the All Uploads page is archived and so are all status:deleted posts, which are automatically scraped to parallel imageboards, everyone can see them if they search for it or enable it on their profile settings. Yes, art is subjective, a post being deleted means either a low amount of approvers saw it for whatever reason; it's amateurish, in orther words, better to upload it to real platforms for artists like DeviantArt, Pixiv and ArtStation; or no approver liked it. That's all, just move on.

Starwave said:

I emphatically disagree. Art is *fundamentally*, subjective. Ascribing objectivity to your actions is wrong, and saying "artists sometimes draw bad images too" borders on insulting. I'm not counting my own appeal here, but I've seen several deleted pieces that were demonstrably great but weren't approved because they were simply passed over (ex:

This is an understandable perspective, especially given the large amount of art uploaded daily. It's an endless, thankless task for ~60 people. But calling art you've rejected bad or implying that artists "sometimes make bad art" for decisions you may or may not agree with and especially when artists pour their souls into making something work is a step too far.

I dont think they said that "artists can sometimes draw bad images" to explain why one particular image was deleted, that's just a reminder that because other pieces by one artist were approved in the past doesn't guarantee every present or future piece from that same artist will have consistent quality/get automatically approved.
And as much as i am partial to artists (i kinda want to be one myself), "objectivity" isn't relevant here (it never is, imo), there are actual reasons why it's easy to differentiate between a piece from a beginner artist and one from a pro artist, just because art is subjective doesn't mean that art mistakes don't exist. Take for example Gloss, an extremely skilled artist normally, he already was very skilled 4 years ago, but still went with this post #3534836 , while the piece overall surely isn't bad, there is a clear mess-up in the design of the pose specifically, this pose doesnt make sense and doesn't sell any comprehensible movement, is she throwing the pokeball? doesnt really look convincing, and if she isn't doing that, what is she doing? Here, saying "the pose is bad" is just a legit criticism. Artists can mess up, they're humans, it's fine, not insulting.
And while there definitely are good posts that should be approved but still get deleted (your ivy uploads for example), i don't think post #5573922 is a good example since the post's parent is the same image and got approved, meaning it's got nothing to do with the art itself

To be honest, I was expecting a much harsher response from you all. I'm happy you were both at least willing to hear me out, and respond in this manner. I don't have much else to add, but it's reassuring to realize that the approval process is less... elitist? Than I assumed. I just have one more thing to say though:

And as much as i am partial to artists (i kinda want to be one myself), "objectivity" isn't relevant here (it never is, imo), there are actual reasons why it's easy to differentiate between a piece from a beginner artist and one from a pro artist, just because art is subjective doesn't mean that art mistakes don't exist.

I think it's definitely possible to become an artist, at any point. I picked up art recently and I'm doing pretty decently. It genuinely is a craft anyone can learn and get good at. Not trying to flatter you or anything, this is entirely unrelated to our previous discussion to hear. But if you have the desire for it, it's definitely something worth considering. I have a friend who went from drawing this: ( to this: ( purely because he kept practicing.

Now, neither of us are top class, but still. It doesn't hurt to pick up a new craft and spend time honing it. It's never too late to start.

Nacha said:

It doesn't matter if images from the same artist were approved before. Approvers only look at single images and not a whole set. Artists can makes mistakes. Artists sometimes draw bad images too.

Mayhem-Chan said:

I dont think they said that "artists can sometimes draw bad images" to explain why one particular image was deleted, that's just a reminder that because other pieces by one artist were approved in the past doesn't guarantee every present or future piece from that same artist will have consistent quality/get automatically approved.

Since that came up conveniently around the same time I made one of my upload and pretty much aimed straight at what I just did, spares me asking myself if I screwed up. I will take the opportunity to ask a related question here though.


I like to check-up on artists that I like and noticed that one of them didn't have their latest art uploaded. I checked if his other similar posts were approved and went ahead and copied the URL into the upload page. I initially held off submitting after finishing tagging because, while I really like the artist and his other similar work went through fine; I felt that judging the art purely objectively based on the quality and topic; had I not known him and put myself in the shoe of an approver, I wouldn't have approved my own post.

I already went through with the upload so the art was now stuck in my unposted upload page and the all upload list, I couldn't remove or cancel my upload. I was worried having it standby there would block others from uploading themselves with a "someone is already tagging it for submission" error. I didn't want to ruin it for everyone so I just went ahead and posted despite it not meeting my own personal quality standard, at least it'd be up and I'll just take the hit on my record if no approver likes it.

The questions I have is:

  • Is there such a lock to prevent uploading something already uploaded first by someone else? Can I delete my upload if there is to free my reservation on a post? Right now I manually check the artist's tag every time before uploading but not on the all uploads page.
  • I've camped my Pixiv New page to try and see how fast contributors can post good art, sometime they'll even post in under 30s with minimal tags to reserve the post and tag afterward. Say, if I decide to try my luck and see if I can tag faster than them, if there are no locks on the upload, is there one to prevent me from submitting at the same time or right after (if it's not considered unsportsmanlike to do so, right now I tend to avoid popular art and leave them to contributors instead)? I really want to avoid getting any negative events on my record, be it bad upload or tagging mistakes, even more so for preventable stuff like duplicates.

skb044 said:

  • Is there such a lock to prevent uploading something already uploaded first by someone else?

1. if the image was uploaded a long time ago a red bar appears at the bottom of the upload window informing you it's a duplicate or pixel-perfect duplicate. 2. if it was uploaded recently (i.e. sniped with a few minutes' difference) when you click upload a popup appears telling you it's a duplicate, directs you to the post, and cancels your upload. duplicates can still be manually uploaded in case of the former (but you obviously shouldn't, and it's unlikely to be approved) so make sure you use iqdb or saucenao to triple-check especially if it's from a popular artist.

Can I delete my upload if there is to free my reservation on a post? Right now I manually check the artist's tag every time before uploading but not on the all uploads page.

not sure what you mean by this. multiple instances of the same image can exist in the upload menu, that's how split-second sniping happens.

  • I've camped my Pixiv New page to try and see how fast contributors can post good art, sometime they'll even post in under 30s with minimal tags to reserve the post and tag afterward. Say, if I decide to try my luck and see if I can tag faster than them, if there are no locks on the upload, is there one to prevent me from submitting at the same time or right after (if it's not considered unsportsmanlike to do so, right now I tend to avoid popular art and leave them to contributors instead)?

this would fall under #2 above, and priority is given to the first uploaded image. also, the practice of uploading images with 0 tags and tagging afterwards to prevent sniping is called mintagging, which is anywhere from actively does it to frowned upon to openly despises based on the builder you ask. idk if you want to start that, but it's not against the rules so the power is yours.

I really want to avoid getting any negative events on my record, be it bad upload or tagging mistakes, even more so for preventable stuff like duplicates.

don't worry about it. no decent human being will neg you for an honest mistake (unless they are consistent, which borders on intentional) and you'll definitely get a dmail and a chance to fix the issue before someone leaves a feedback.

skb044 said:


You're talking about both the My Uploads page and posting, right? Because the two are different.

Since forum #205097 if two people post the same image at the same time, the first to post it will be credited as the uploader and the second will get a notification telling them that the tags they added were merged.

You can't delete uploads from your page, but you can hide them with this userscript: forum #227725.

BobTheBuilder_v1 said:

1. if the image was uploaded a long time ago a red bar appears at the bottom of the upload window informing you it's a duplicate or pixel-perfect duplicate. 2. if it was uploaded recently (i.e. sniped with a few minutes' difference) when you click upload a popup appears telling you it's a duplicate, directs you to the post, and cancels your upload.

Good to know there's some safety in case I upload late or post at the same time. I'll still make sure it's not already up but I'll give a shot at uploading the new stuff when in the mood.

not sure what you mean by this. multiple instances of the same image can exist in the upload menu, that's how split-second sniping happens.

I was worried if it was a bad thing to have dups in the all upload section, I guess it's expected when racing. Previous paragraph still stands, I'll double check if it's not minutes old art.

this would fall under #2 above, and priority is given to the first uploaded image.

Got it I think, if I go for the fresh stuff, I'll get a notif if it's been posted before I upload. I assume you're saying "uploaded" to mean submitted as a new post? The "uploaded first" as in "imported to the all uploads plage" bit was why I didn't want art rotting in my un-uploaded page in case it blocked others wanting it, but it seems there's a double check right before submitting to avoid issues so I shouldn't panic too much if I decide to walk-back on my decision to submit. Someone can just submit their own should they chose.

I really want to avoid getting any negative events on my record, be it bad upload or tagging mistakes, even more so for preventable stuff like duplicates.

I'm trying to work my way towards at least getting builder within this year, maybe contributor at some point later if I enjoy my time here enough. It's one of the reason why I'm trying to be impeccable, I don't want people to cleanup after me. Even if I wasn't aiming for builder, I wouldn't want people to have to fix my mistakes, it would make me sad.

Individual said:

You're talking about both the My Uploads page and posting, right? Because the two are different.

Yes, by upload I meant importing from the URL into the global upload stash, and submit/post as in confirm it to be made available in the main gallery. Thank you for pointing me towards the changelog, I didn't manage to find an explanation by searching the forum with keywords. I always try and hit 20 tags minimum before submitting (aiming for 40-60 if possible) so I'll just tag at my pace and maybe I'll get it first, if not then it will merge the tags and it will still be a win for everyone.

Side note: While my post got approved anyway, I'll still take good note of the information I got here. I'm thanking all of your for giving me your time, y'all are making an awesome job keeping that site running for all those years.

Tried to add the full comic strip. Even found the author who owns it. His tag was already on the site.

Of the 15 evaluators, 13 of each art wrote "did not like the post enough to approve it." So, the decision is based on personal taste. I don't argue with it, but from my point of view, a better indicator of the popularity of the post can be the number of additions to Favorites. If you take into account that the arts hung until deletion for just 3 days and got up to 14 additions to favorites, that's a pretty good result.

If you don't mind, please comment. It's not even the refusals that are surprising. What's surprising is too unanimous a response. It feels like some kind of "just to get it done" level of evaluation.

Sincerely, Akawana

akawana said:
Of the 15 evaluators, 13 of each art wrote "did not like the post enough to approve it." So, the decision is based on personal taste. I don't argue with it, but from my point of view, a better indicator of the popularity of the post can be the number of additions to Favorites. If you take into account that the arts hung until deletion for just 3 days and got up to 14 additions to favorites, that's a pretty good result.

If you don't mind, please comment. It's not even the refusals that are surprising. What's surprising is too unanimous a response. It feels like some kind of "just to get it done" level of evaluation.

Sincerely, Akawana

Nope, posts aren't approved on popularity, and horny art is just more likely to get favorited/upvoted even despite quality. 14 being kinda low for explicit art standards anyway

So was finally deleted

Well, I gave it my absolute best. I can't pretend I'm not disappointed by the result wasn't approved. And I still stand by the arguments I made before arguing for its legitimacy on this site (ie: it's an alternative outfit on a niche character that isn't seen on her and that the proportions were more stylized than faulty)

But that's just life sometimes. You try, it doesn't work, and you move on. I'm not going to throw a fit or accusation that the mods are bad, but I don't know if I have it in me to start uploading on the regular. I don't think I'm built for that kind of rejection.

So uh, see you guys around. The last few discussions were surprisingly pleasant.

Starwave said:

So was finally deleted

Well, I gave it my absolute best. I can't pretend I'm not disappointed by the result wasn't approved. And I still stand by the arguments I made before arguing for its legitimacy on this site (ie: it's an alternative outfit on a niche character that isn't seen on her and that the proportions were more stylized than faulty)

But that's just life sometimes. You try, it doesn't work, and you move on. I'm not going to throw a fit or accusation that the mods are bad, but I don't know if I have it in me to start uploading on the regular. I don't think I'm built for that kind of rejection.

So uh, see you guys around. The last few discussions were surprisingly pleasant.

There's always the possibility of finding some other fanart of that outfit (i know nothing about FE, idk how easy it would be to find that fanart)