
"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

rtufjr34 said:

Simp no is better alot of art is not posted here for " Bad quality" they have upgraded and loli shota is free and better tag search limits.

I'm not much for the loli/shota thing but of course that is a point.

Still, to me gelbooru is just what you've said, everything that's not approved here goes over there. As far as I've seen, there are plenty of lower quality of posts in gelbooru and far better ones (and more) in here.

Also, while the tag search limit is the sole reason why I want to upgrade, other boorus don't tag very well, while you can search, there's no guarantee that tags are there in the first place.

BobTheBuilder_v1 said:

what gives you the impression that this one is? what has he personally done to you? halting this site's only method of income was not a targeted attack designed specifically to spite you, I promise.

Well asking once to temporarily lift the tag limits still a payment processor was found but no second why not give contributer status for example sankaku complex gives its users some faster then here

rtufjr34 said:

Yet still free and people are fixing it at least you can see paid rewards and it's making money cuck.

Alright mate, time to lay off the juice that makes you retarded. Sankaku hides millions of posts behind a paywall too btw, and asks for a monthly subscription instead of a one-time payment.

rtufjr34 said:

Yet still free and people are fixing it at least you can see paid rewards and it's making money cuck.

ah yeah great, as if the availability of paid rewards was a good thing and not literally just mass stealing while profitting from it more than any of the artists' whose paywalled work gets illegally uploaded on there, all that without anywhere near the amount of QoL site features there are here

rtufjr34 said:

Yet still free and people are fixing it at least you can see paid rewards and it's making money cuck.

A booru shouldn't be about making money; It should be for archival, appreciation, and comprehension of the subject matter.

nonamethanks said:

Alright mate, time to lay off the juice that makes you retarded. Sankaku hides millions of posts behind a paywall too btw, and asks for a monthly subscription instead of a one-time payment.

Someone did not read the post >->

baconmeh2 said:

A booru shouldn't be about making money; It should be for archival, appreciation, and comprehension of the subject matter.

But there is a lot of art here that doesn't get posted for "bad quality." Back then if you were not a Japanese artist your art would be ban.

May I ask how much contribution it takes to become a Builder? I'm willing to put in the effort if Gold is unattainable for the time being, but not knowing the lengths required to reach that point makes it feel a little daunting and nebulous.

TropicHawk said:

May I ask how much contribution it takes to become a Builder? I'm willing to put in the effort if Gold is unattainable for the time being, but not knowing the lengths required to reach that point makes it feel a little daunting and nebulous.

There's no real set threshold that i know of, + i guess it depends on the types of contributions you make, some people get builder just from forum activity while other do from just tag edits, and others (like me) who do from a combination of different contributions.
It also depends on the quality of contribution, the more mistakes the longer it takes, but as long as you make an honest try at doing things right and learn from the mistakes, you'll get it eventually, for example i really started contributing at around last fall, and got builder about a month ago.
Note that the more you do it, the more familiar you get with the site, and the less effort it takes to do a certain amount of stuff. But you don't have to do a high amount of contributions in a short amount of time, just do what you can at your pace

TropicHawk said:

May I ask how much contribution it takes to become a Builder? I'm willing to put in the effort if Gold is unattainable for the time being, but not knowing the lengths required to reach that point makes it feel a little daunting and nebulous.

the general range to get unres is 800-1000 uploads with sub 5% deletion rate, (or just a huge volume of uploads for normal builder) or several thousand post edits, a few hundred to a thousand note edits, a dabbling of other things like fixing wikis, high forum activity, etc.

unres is probably your most concrete goal in that regard, but really any consistent, positive contribution will lead to builder.

TropicHawk said:

May I ask how much contribution it takes to become a Builder?

There are great recent examples in user feedbacks. If that's your goal, pick something that interest you and work on that, people will eventually notice.

I wasn't trying to become a builder, I created this account to stop being a complete lurker and garden my favorite characters and copyrights in my free time, but I was in the average contribution as well when I got builder level. The difference is that I had more commentary edits than post edits at the time.

TropicHawk said:

May I ask how much contribution it takes to become a Builder? I'm willing to put in the effort if Gold is unattainable for the time being, but not knowing the lengths required to reach that point makes it feel a little daunting and nebulous.

I think I had around 8k edits around the time I got promoted, but it's good to just be good at-

  • Tagging correctly and efficiently
  • Contributing on the forums with suggestions, votes, questions you can't find answers to
  • Reporting things like vandalism/undoing the changes. But if the user responsible is already banned, just undo their vandalism.
  • Sourcing posts
  • Providing context to posts with tags requiring it (Like borrowed character without a tag for them)
  • Making, cleaning, and adding to wikis/artist entries. Is there a wikipedia page for it? h4 External links * wikipedia page:"duck cannon". Is an artist missing a link to another platform they're on? Add it.

Enabling the “Private favorites and votes” option on the settings page currently requires a Gold account. I think it’s pretty bad to put any sort of privacy-related settings behind a paywall in the first place (privacy should be the default!), but to have this option completely unavailable to users who don’t already have it is ridiculous. And it’s been like this for a year.

nothorny said:

Enabling the “Private favorites and votes” option on the settings page currently requires a Gold account. I think it’s pretty bad to put any sort of privacy-related settings behind a paywall in the first place (privacy should be the default!), but to have this option completely unavailable to users who don’t already have it is ridiculous. And it’s been like this for a year.

I reserve the right to see what the poor jerk off to. You in particular.

nothorny said:

Enabling the “Private favorites and votes” option on the settings page currently requires a Gold account. I think it’s pretty bad to put any sort of privacy-related settings behind a paywall in the first place (privacy should be the default!), but to have this option completely unavailable to users who don’t already have it is ridiculous. And it’s been like this for a year.

I'm going to be honest, I had no idea that this was paywalled. It used to be free (see forum #201056) but became restricted because of nonspecific "abuse." I'm all for the reversal of this change because, like you said, you shouldn't have to pay for privacy. Especially during times like this.

Mayhem-Chan said:

There's no real set threshold that i know of, + i guess it depends on the types of contributions you make, some people get builder just from forum activity while other do from just tag edits, and others (like me) who do from a combination of different contributions.
It also depends on the quality of contribution, the more mistakes the longer it takes, but as long as you make an honest try at doing things right and learn from the mistakes, you'll get it eventually, for example i really started contributing at around last fall, and got builder about a month ago.
Note that the more you do it, the more familiar you get with the site, and the less effort it takes to do a certain amount of stuff. But you don't have to do a high amount of contributions in a short amount of time, just do what you can at your pace

I feel it's worth pointing it's a very large amount of work and shouldn't be taken as a permanent "substitute" over never having gold as an option again. I wouldn't be surprised if the average number of hours spent editing the site gets close to the hundreds before most people gain the promotion. More power to those that attempt the grind and that's certainly part of the reason why we'd rather be here than other boorus, but I sincerely hope someone is at least putting some degree of effort into restoring gold purchases.

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