I just wanted to give some pointers on leaving negative records, which will hopefully get greater compliance from those negged. Since I want to start following these records more closely and follow up with bans where necessary, it'll also make things easier for me and other mods when we're deciding how to act on records that were left.
Since the majority of negative records come from just a few users, hopefully we can get fairly standardized on these even if only a few people read the forums. Note that many of you already do some or all of what I'm requesting, but I just want to put it in writing.
1) Be descriptive. Explain precisely what happened. You're not just leaving a message for the offender, you're leaving a message to all the mods as well, explaining the situation. If possible, paste all of part of the offending item into the record.
2) Link directly to the problem post/thread/wiki, if one in particular really illustrates the issue. This is in addition to pasting the comment into the record, if you do that.
3) Be polite, more or less. I know this is the hard part when someone is being an idiot, but it usually results in a lot more success on point #1. Leave facts, not just opinions.
4) Link the wiki pages, such as howto:comment or howto:upload. Particularly if it's someone's first offense, you should think of it as if you're educating them. "Reason: Your comments are shit" doesn't give someone a lot to go on. howto:comment is the detail they need.
5) Try not to "pile on" multiple records for the same infraction. Negatives carry more weight if they relate to multiple events over a period of time. Two negatives on posts a week apart are worth more than four on the same incident.
6) Contact a mod if nothing has been done after ~3-4 negative records spread over a period of time. While I plan to keep a closer eye on this from now on, I do have a lot of other things to do as well.
The more informative the records, the easier it is for a mod to decide if they should be blocking the user, and for how long.
As usual, input is welcome.
Edit: I didn't mention positive records because I don't think we've ever had a problem with those. They're quite rare anyway.