BUR #15864 has been rejected.
mass update exercise -> workout_clothes
At the time of writing, workout_clothes has like 70 hits, while exercise has nearly 3k
I looked into exercise and 20 pages in have seen like 10 pics that wouldn't have the workout clothes
don't know if there's a good way to reduce the number of false positives (-completely_nude I guess?), but it seems like it'll be less time consuming to do the mass tag update and then remove the tag where it's not actually required. I'll do it myself, even
there's probably a set of other implications/aliases to be done (exercise_clothes -> workout clothes, for example), but in order for those to actually have any merit we should probably actually get the tag where it needs to be first. After this is done I can try and find straggling posts where the clothes are there but the activity isn't
if we want to get rid of the tag too and have people search through more specific tags (sports bra, buruma, etc), I suppose now's as good a time as any, what with so few pictures currently having it