post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

pablo.gonzales.2007 said:

Did you know that every Danbooru users have rights to make their art posted here? Constitution said so, and SO DO I.

This is a curated art website, not Pinterest.

post #6050921

approver said:

I undeleted on of them, but this one has a bunch of parts that doesn't seem to mesh properly.

the quality is LITERALLY the same as the approved posts, this post has the same level of quality as post #5333369

post #6050955

approver said:

I cant even tell what body part belongs to which character.

I honestly do not see how this has confused you.

Orn jumped up and come down on Apostle with a downward spear thrust towards Apostle's right cheek that was countered with a right-forward strike to Orn's left cheek from the hilt of Apostle's weapon, Orm's right leg is midair while his left foot is planted on Apostle's chest which happened when he came down on Apostle, while the view of Apostle's legs which I'd assume is midair seeing as he's doing a one-handed handstand are covered by Orn's body, both of Orn's hands are holding his spear.

as for Noble & Smough, if you can't tell where their body parts are despite the distance between them then I can only assume you're trolling.

post #6050943?

post approved after being appealed.

also, another thing, why is it that this post needed to be appealed in order for it to be accepted in order for it to scrape by approval when the meme version of the same pic that is pretty much a copy of this pic I posted was approved without a problem at all?

quality-wise they are literally the exact same yet the original has a tougher time being approved than the meme variant. someone, please explain that.

T34-38 said:

Seriously? You being around in danbooru since 2017 and yet don't understand the "uploaded image needs to be approved"? Of course sometimes quality fanart might get ignored due to the number of stuff that gets uploaded, but people can post that in the forum so the janitor may approve it.

I understand that it needs to be approved but it took nearly 4 days and an appeal in order to get it approved, not to mention the number of approvers who just chose to ignore it instead of taking a minute of their time to check the source, possible parent/child posts, and other stuff like that so that they know it's the op of an already existing post, I mean I know you're not professionals and you don't get paid but come on, you decided to take up the roll, so own it, just saying.

zaregoto said:

Approvers approve based on their own preference. There are no other rules.

so if I were to become an approver and just start approving every post I saw would get away with it scot-free?

and vice versa, if I were to approve no posts at all would I not be demoted?

blindVigil said:

No, both of those things are false. But no one is obligated to approve your uploads, especially if you're going to go on a crusade over deleted posts and constantly whine about it in the comments.

anyone who judges based on emotions instead of approving based on an unbiased mindset shouldn't be an approver to begin with.

post #6051029

approver said:

Score is unfortunately rather irellevant to approvers. People will go "Ah, Elden ring" and click ๐Ÿ‘ regardless of quality.

Veraducks said:

Score is a popularity counter. It has no impact on approvals.

unless you or any other approver can point out any ACTUAL significant differences between the posts that other people have posted and the ones I've posted of the art of kurotokusa that warrant my posts being deleted, then my posts should be undeleted, because there is no difference in their quality.


winkywonker said:


Approvers should approve what they think is good enough. This doesn't mean that approvers are allowed to approve everything, as danbooru is still a high-quality curated gallery. So we also have to check, if an image is good enough for our overall gallery.
Images that aren't good enough can and mostly will be flagged for deletion by other users.
(Not approving a certain amount of images will lead to a demotion.)

In regards to flagging: Just because an image was approved by an approver once, doesn't mean it will be approved by another approver. You have to check for yourself, if an image really is good enough for danbooru. Approvers can do mistakes while approving.

Nacha said:

Approvers should approve what they think is good enough. This doesn't mean that approvers are allowed to approve everything, as danbooru is still a high-quality curated gallery. So we also have to check, if an image is good enough for our overall gallery.
Images that aren't good enough can and mostly will be flagged for deletion by other users.
(Not approving a certain amount of images will lead to a demotion.)

In regards to flagging: Just because an image was approved by an approver once, doesn't mean it will be approved by another approver. You have to check for yourself, if an image really is good enough for danbooru. Approvers can do mistakes while approving.

that is not a statement, that is a reason for you and your retards' dictatorship and ego.

pablo.gonzales.2007 said:
your retards' dictatorship and ego.

Sorry, we should not insult other users as a retaliation of dissatisfaction with post deletions. Despite somehow I felt the disappointment when approvers tend to approve in a more objective way. For instance, those who tend to approve NSFW artworks, ones from more famous copyrights compared to completely safe ones from less-known series. Somehow I wish more approvers would use less subjective measures and not being influenced by sex appeal. I don't want Danbooru to be become another Rule 34 or Fur Affinity.

Back to the topic, I am wondering why would these posts not getting approved. And I would like more reconsideration.

I feel very thankful for any kind of feedback from any respected site staffs here.


World_Funeral said:

Sorry, we should not insult other users as a retaliation of dissatisfaction with post deletions. Despite somehow I felt the disappointment when approvers tend to approve in a more objective way. For instance, those who tend to approve NSFW artworks, ones from more famous copyrights compared to completely safe ones from less-known series. Somehow I wish more approvers would use less subjective measures and not being influenced by sex appeal. I don't want Danbooru to be become another Rule 34 or Fur Affinity.

Back to the topic, I am wondering why would these posts not getting approved. And I would like more reconsideration.

I'm sorry, but how many approvers required to make the post active?

pablo.gonzales.2007 said:

I'm sorry, but how many approvers required to make the post active?

No problem. Technically only a single approver is indeed required to make posts active. Still, this site still need multiple of them to review the quality of each uploaded posts by members or builders. But I doubt the same approver can approve a flagged post which has been approved by him/her before. That's why moderators and admins sometimes promote contributors with excellent record of good quality posts while having very few even zero deletion ratio on last few months or a year into higher approver level. Wish us luck with next upload approvals next time.