
"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

c.c.gundam101 said:

Well gelbooru is free....

Images load very slowly there, and while I like Sankaku as an alternative their monetization practices are a bit too aggressive + there's a lot of lower quality stuff there.

Putting in an obligatory "this has been taking a while, but I understand it's out of your hands -- I wish I could support the site and unlock Gold features" comment. Was already planning on contributing to post tagging, but I guess I'll do it to achieve Builder status too, now. Godspeed on getting a payment method set up.


I'm sure this might have already been suggested but I didn't see, what about payment in crypto currency coins like USDT, USDC, BTC, ETH, XMR with USDT & USDC being stable coins meaning their value is static

Coinpayments is a good gateway for this or you can use Coinbase payment gateway also


I usually only lurk about since all those years, almost never read the forums, even less post. So if I'm brought to post anyway, it means that something's been bothering me quite a lot lately. Let's cut all the yada yada crap: to my eyes danbooru is going through the darkest moment I've ever seen since the near 10 years I'm registered, and if I'm saying it here, this is precisely because donator status is one of the major reasons.

Platinum user here, and I can feel all of you guys pain. First, I'm deeply sorry for you all. Second... you're actually not missing out on much lately, which makes the situation even more problematic.
From my own perspective, first I felt a bit robbed when my exclusive privileges as Platinum have been handed over to Gold (for instance, unlimited tags in searches), since I did upgrade from Gold to Platinum specifically for what extra it provided. Second, people are unable to donate since apparently over 6 months, this is already very concerning. Third, donators have been revoked of one of their major privileges about 1 month ago, and needless to say: I've found out about it the hard, infuriating way.
So if I summarize, I've paid a whooping 40 bucks just to have unlimited tags in my searches? OK, my donations were worth the shot when I donated back then, but right now the donator privileges are laughable and I'd go so far as to say that people who can't donate are not missing out on much as of now.

And we're only talking about donator status here. I kinda understand the reason why that major privilege has been suspended, according to what I've been reading since yesterday, but seriously this really wasn't the thing to do, and whoever is in charge (I don't give a damn about who) should seriously hurry up before everything collapses.

On top of being unable to donate, the donators have practically nothing useful to pay for besides having more tags.

hatless_nuance said:

So I see there is worry about payment processing involving this website. May I suggest the following service.

This website services Nutaku (Adult Gaming) and several other such websites and services. It seems like they might have a capability to aid adult art websites as well.

Please consider this.

Being a Nutaku user myself, I can give out a few more info. Indeed, Probiller doesn't seem to be very attentive to what kind of business works with them. However, they are also lacking in seriousness regarding the management of the payments done by people. They are lacking some securities in the payment process. Sure, it does work most of the time, but when an issue arises, as an end user you can have issues. They are also banned from various banks due to cases of fraud. That says a lot about their profesionnalism and I'd like to say that Probiller may be considered, but at least you're warned about the inconveniences you can face.

But since you're talking about Nutaku, I'd like to mention that they also work with Centrobill, and those ones are certainly more serious. First they're not banned by my bank, second the payment process looks way more secure. Never had or heard about any issue with them. IMHO, Centrobill is worth checking out as a possibility to solve the current issue.


I just checked what pornhub uses and they also disabled credit cards. Which made me think payment companies are pulling out of adult content. But then I checked Denpasoft which sells adult content and they still use credit card.

Nakirium_XD said:

I just checked what pornhub uses and they also disabled credit cards. Which made me think payment companies are pulling out of adult content. But then I checked Denpasoft which sells adult content and they still use credit card.

Pornhub had a huge controversy a few years ago over hosting illegal content (real life sexual assault and CP) that caused most payment providers to drop them. Generally speaking though, yes, payment providers are extremely fickle over whether or not they'll allow nsfw businesses to use their services.

depravedwailing said:

a payment processor that is nsfw friendly and against censorship sounds like a lucrative business idea and I wonder why no one has done so as of yet

Payment processors have to work with banks and credit card companies and abide by their rules. If Visa thinks you are bad for business they can demand you introduce rules or drop some clients or they will cut you off. Most NSFW payment processors are pretending they are for normal business and hope that Apple Pay dont notice. Starting an openly NSFW payment processor would likely not work out well.

depravedwailing said:

a payment processor that is nsfw friendly and against censorship sounds like a lucrative business idea and I wonder why no one has done so as of yet

To add on to what Ion said, one has to remember that banks are tied to governments rather closely, and governments have been ruling against open expression of things such as hentai since pretty much forever. One can debate the morality of that decision how they please, but the end result is banks essentially going "If you deal in anything remotely approaching illegal, we don't want your business", and pornography is one of those little grey areas that has no protections but a *lot* of potential pitfalls that will end a career in seconds. Easier to just not deal with it at all rather than potentially stir up a hornets nest of easily misled customers and authorities accusing them of supporting something wrong.

As an example of this, Tentacle Hentai was literally invented to be a legal way to draw sex due to japanese anti-profanity laws. Laws that, last I checked, are technically still in place(Ever wonder why so much japanese art puts tiny irrelevant black boxes over penises? It's a trick they are using to be technically compliant.)

Websites such as patreon also used to rule against anything pornographic, right up until the moment they didn't.(I'm honestly not sure when they started supporting it, but I remember artists having their patreons get shut down for working on sexual content for a while and then suddenly people started opening developing hentai games on it.) Tumblr is another such example of a website that used to have a community centered around the stuff right up until Tumblr started facing criticism for pedophiles, and *poof* went 90% of its porn. (The irony being that the pedo rings didn't suffer anything more than a small trip, while many artists had to flock to twitter in order to keep making a living.)

That Dan has been running as smoothly as it has been for so long is pretty much a small miracle to be blunt. Websites both better and worse have suffered from modern mentalities, and now its Dan's turn to be under the crossfire. I don't envy the position that the admins are in right now, as the idea of having to negotiate with companies until one is willing to give them the time of day is a nightmare and a half.

RingyThingy said:

Websites such as patreon also used to rule against anything pornographic, right up until the moment they didn't.(I'm honestly not sure when they started supporting it, but I remember artists having their patreons get shut down for working on sexual content for a while and then suddenly people started opening developing hentai games on it.)

Patreon actually still does this, it's just completely random and arbitrary.

This is basically why crypto exists. A decentralized form of payments that has no middlemen telling you what you can and can't use it for.

It might be hard to match up which crypto payment came from which account, but idk, maybe something could be figured out. With all banks and credit companies being so anti-nsfw (not that it really makes sense financially imo, the adult industry is huge), it might soon become your only option.

NoRecipe said:

This is basically why crypto exists. A decentralized form of payments that has no middlemen telling you what you can and can't use it for.

It might be hard to match up which crypto payment came from which account, but idk, maybe something could be figured out. With all banks and credit companies being so anti-nsfw (not that it really makes sense financially imo, the adult industry is huge), it might soon become your only option.

I wonder why is taking so long I want get gold too to much ai 'artworks' on the other image boards if 4chan of all people can use crypto why can't this websit do the same thing.

decondelite said:

[...] Third, donators have been revoked of one of their major privileges about 1 month ago, and needless to say: I've found out about it the hard, infuriating way. [...]

Out of curiosity, what was that privilege?

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