Why wasn’t post #5341420 approved? Is there something wrong with it? Other illustrations by the same artist have.
It is because people don’t like it? Why no like it?
Posted under General
Why wasn’t post #5341420 approved? Is there something wrong with it? Other illustrations by the same artist have.
It is because people don’t like it? Why no like it?
A good chunk of my uploads got unapproved. When I first saw the first batch, I just brushed it off as they weren't just up to Danbooru's standards but they also uploaded other artist's work, some of which had previously been approved, and I was just wondering what was wrong.
Poki678 said:
A good chunk of my uploads got unapproved. When I first saw the first batch, I just brushed it off as they weren't just up to Danbooru's standards but they also uploaded other artist's work, some of which had previously been approved, and I was just wondering what was wrong.
Every image is judged individually by its own artistic merit, regardless of artist, character or copyright, even official art can get deleted if they aren't good enough. Even the best artists can have their bad days and it wouldn't make sense approving an image that doesn't match the site's standards just because it was drawn by a certain artist, this question is asked frequently on this thread, you'll see that for yourself if you go back some pages. As I'm not an approver, I won't comment about the quality itself, but an approver reading this can approve one or more of those if they like it or in the worst scenario, you can appeal them.
Btw, use post #id when linking posts to make the links shorter, easier to read and you can see the post's preview when you hover the mouse over the link, for example, you could have used post #5343539 to your first link.
Hyozen said:
Every image is judged individually by its own artistic merit, regardless of artist, character or copyright, even official art can get deleted if they aren't good enough. Even the best artists can have their bad days and it wouldn't make sense approving an image that doesn't match the site's standards just because it was drawn by a certain artist, this question is asked frequently on this thread, you'll see that for yourself if you go back some pages. As I'm not an approver, I won't comment about the quality itself, but an approver reading this can approve one or more of those if they like it or in the worst scenario, you can appeal them.
Btw, use post #id when linking posts to make the links shorter, easier to read and it you can see the post's preview when you hover the mouse over the link, for example, you could have used post #5343539 to your first link.
pool #18782
First 3 images are the best-received in the set, yet not approved?
pool #18719
2 deleted yet same quality as everything else.
Make it make sense.
punished_K said:
pool #18782
First 3 images are the best-received in the set, yet not approved?pool #18719
2 deleted yet same quality as everything else.Make it make sense.
In the first one's case, maybe the style's too western? Idk, these seem pretty solid to me.
In the second one's case - uhhhhhh. How to put it. post #5336114 has kinda wonky anatomy, especially on the red-haired one. The face sorta looks awkward on the purple one too, and due to her hairstyle, it might've been mistaken for poor gravity, or something. The other deleted post in that pool ain't *that* bad, but the style might've been too western, or something.
post #5350329
Can someone please explain the reasons for removal? My best guess is the YouTube community post source and unusual censorship. I have been unable to find an uncensored version if it exists.
9S said:
post #5350329
Can someone please explain the reasons for removal? My best guess is the YouTube community post source and unusual censorship. I have been unable to find an uncensored version if it exists.
An unusual used source indeed, because it drives approvers away from approving it. Sources outside the normal spectrum tend to be ignored, because most of the time we have third-party sources. (This doesn't mean you can't use such sources of course, if they come from the original artist)
But also the perspective of the artwork is kinda meh. The foot focus is too big and disrupts the body-feet ratio IMO. Her upperbody is fine, but everything below is meh. I didn't even notice the weird censor, because it kinda looked like a normal pillow, but yeah.. the censor is bad too.
A relatively old one, and I wasn't the one to upload it, but I'm considering appealing it. Are the hands (or any other element) problematic, or did it just so happen it didn't make it?
what exactly is wrong with this one?
post #5349528
post #5291002
Mates why is this approved
and this not
it's made by the same artist and has the same quality
also both are literally made the same
WallpaperDownloaderMan said:
Mates why is this approved
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5357237?q=dandadanand this not
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5357219?q=status%3Adeleted+user%3AWallpaperDownloaderManit's made by the same artist and has the same quality
also both are literally made the same
As a reminder for the next people on this thread, please don't compare images when trying to argue why a post shouldn't be deleted, even less use it was drawn by the same artist as argument, if you scroll up a bit you'll see me saying the same thing above. Keep in mind that:
Every approver is a person with their own preferences and schedules and they don't discuss often with each other about an image's quality. I'm saying this because this was asked and answered in this thread many times.
Hyozen said:
As a reminder for the next people on this thread, please don't compare images when trying to argue why a post shouldn't be deleted, even less use it was drawn by the same artist as argument, if you scroll up a bit you'll see me saying the same thing above. Keep in mind that:
- Approvers will mostly, if not always, only look at the post at hand when approving it, not compare with other images
- Maybe the approver that approved the first image didn't see the second, so it was deleted.
Every approver is a person with their own preferences and schedules and they don't discuss often with each other about an image's quality. I'm saying this because this was asked and answered in this thread many times.
well sorry ig mate I'm new here, I just wanted to ask cuz the quality of the other one seemed quite ok
Not sure why this was rejected.
Runty said:
Not sure why this was rejected.
Probably something to do with the way the legs are. Even with perspective and foreshortening, the legs look a bit small, and their position in relation to her torso might be questionable.
I need a little help and I'm not sure how to do this but I do know that in the search bar:
status:deleted user:NineTailGoddess
These posts were deleted and I'm unsure why, can anyone help me out to find out what I did wrong or how I can fix this? I'm still super new to all of this.
post #5378755
Would like some feedback on why it didn't get accepted.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to reply.
post #5362304 / post #5362305
post #5362295
post #5374982
post #5375959
post #5378778
Feedback appreciated.
Unsure why this was deleted/unapproved, feedback is appreciated.
punished_K said:
post #5362304 / post #5362305
post #5362295
post #5374982
post #5375959
post #5378778Feedback appreciated.
Maybe the artstyle was too western? They seem pretty solid, otherwise.
bobibuddy said:
Unsure why this was deleted/unapproved, feedback is appreciated.
The face feels really awkward, as-if her huuuge mouth was placed on her cheek. The right asscheek also has something wrong with it, and this amount of excessive semen might've just not been to taste of the approvers.