I disagree with changing Loaded Interior to a tag, but be that as it may, the pool still exists, and is starting to be repopulated.
Posted under General
Unbreakable said:
Those kind of images aren't searchable otherwise so I wouldn't call it pointless. It's easy to get the idea from a few images so I also wouldn't say it's too subjective to be a useful pool.
Possible favorites pool
BUR #8240 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update pool:Bizarre_rain -> -pool:Bizarre_rain bizarre_rain
Seems pretty objective to me. Every rain that isn't water or blood should go in there.
The bulk update request #8240 (forum #202281) has been approved by @evazion.
BUR #8341 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
mass update pool:One_Year_Artist_Progress_Record -> one_year_artist_progress_record -pool:One_Year_Artist_Progress_Record
This works fine as a tag.
BUR #8344 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
mass update pool:Pixiv_-_Decadal_Progress_Record -> ten_year_artist_progress_record -pool:Pixiv_-_Decadal_Progress_Record
As above. I changed the name to match.
The bulk update request #8341 (forum #202751) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
The bulk update request #8344 (forum #202771) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
pool #1350 - Coaching
Not pointless as a concept, I think, but pointless as a pool. Seems objective and consistent enough to be a tag instead, though with a less ambiguous name.
BUR #8472 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update pool:Coaching -> sexual_coaching -pool:Coaching
create alias coaching_(sexual) -> sexual_coaching
I agree. Here's my proposal.
BUR #8473 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update pool:Charisma_Break -> charisma_break -pool:Charisma_Break
Proposing this one for a tag. I think it works fine. Even if the charisma break only makes sense across multiple posts, we already have other tags that allow cases like that (instant loss, dildo reveal among them), so it wouldn't be a first.
The bulk update request #8472 (forum #203398) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #8473 (forum #203399) has been approved by @evazion.
BUR #8622 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update pool:charisma_establishment -> charisma_establishment -pool:charisma_establishment
nonamethanks said:
BUR #8473 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update pool:Charisma_Break -> charisma_break -pool:Charisma_Break
Proposing this one for a tag. I think it works fine. Even if the charisma break only makes sense across multiple posts, we already have other tags that allow cases like that (instant loss, dildo reveal among them), so it wouldn't be a first.
the inverse
thelieutenant said:
BUR #8622 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update pool:charisma_establishment -> charisma_establishment -pool:charisma_establishment
the inverse
There's a typo in there.