The plan is to get rid of the Gold limit and allow all Members to vote. I've been planning to do this for quite a while, but I guess this forces the issue. See issue #4923 for more details.
If you think something deserves a higher score, then upvote it. If you get outvoted by other users, then tough luck. Simple as that.
Score is a measure of popularity, not quality. Thinking you can boil down "quality" to a single number that everyone will agree on is woefully misguided. If that were possible, then I would fire every approver right now and replace them with a score-based system. The whole point of the approval system is that score and quality are two different things.
Once you accept that score is not quality, then you can stop worrying about score.
Most of the downvotes people are complaining about come from a single user who basically votes on everything he sees, and if he doesn't upvote it then he downvotes it. This is allowed. You're allowed to vote a lot. You're allowed to have high standards. You're allowed to downvote things you personally don't like. You're allowed to downvote things other people like. You're allowed to use the voting system in idiosyncratic ways to suit your own personal needs. I'm not punishing people for voting the "wrong" way. As a user, I want the freedom to vote however I want.
Obstetrics said:
I can't claim to know the perfect solution for this, but let's stop pretending that it's a non-issue. This gets brought up constantly on Discord, and this thread's mere existence is a testament to the effect it's having. I know it's all cool to pretend you don't care at all about the numbers, but score and favourites are the primary feedback you get for uploads on a site which glorifies making your Profile's numbers go up. How it affects users emotionally is important. I've had conversations with multiple users about downvotes discouraging them from uploading, one once even admitting that they stopped early for the day because the downvotes on their posts were that disheartening.
From my point of view, this kind of score-whoring mentality is the root of all evil on the site. It's the reason for all the infighting over sniping and flagging. It's the reason for uploaders trying to get each other banned over trumped-up charges (yes, this has happened). It's the reason why we got rid of uploader names for a time (and the only reason they were brought back was so artists wouldn't think Danbooru itself was responsible for their works being reposted here, not regular users). It's the reason why the site is absolutely flooded with worthless duplicates - because they're easy numbers (and don't tell me it's for quality reasons - I know you're bullshitting me).
Want to know why Members can't vote? It's because like twelve years ago, some guy wrote a bot to mass downvote a particular uploader they had a grudge against. Some uploader got mad at another uploader and ruined it for everyone. That's literally it.
If the only reason you upload to Danbooru is for internet clout, then you're uploading for all the wrong reasons and I'll be glad if you're discouraged from it. Frankly, as an uploader all you're doing is reposting shit from one site to another. You don't deserve any special praise for that. It's ridiculous to take score personally for something you didn't even create.
Use the space below to tell me allowing everyone to vote is a terrible idea. I don't care. My stance is that making people pay $20 to vote on anime pictures is ridiculous and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. If you want to talk about the logistics of how allowing everyone to vote is supposed to work, you're free to do that.
I have no plans of removing downvotes or hiding scores. It's pretty crazy that, while the rest of the internet is having a meltdown over Youtube getting rid of dislike counts, people here are seriously suggesting we get rid of downvotes altogether. All because some power uploaders had their posts get downvoted a single time.
Regular users have to deal with their uploads getting outright deleted everyday, for the nitpickiest of reasons. Our response is basically to tell them to shut up and deal with it. But when power uploaders have to deal with a single downvote, they run begging to the mods to ban the downvoter or get rid of all downvotes. Get over yourselves.
It's just anime pictures. Don't take it too seriously.