post #9000000 GET!

create implication braided_beard -> facial_hair

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Admiral_Pectoral said:

Braided beard can be done with different styles of facial hair like goatee and mustache. It doesn't always follow our definition of beard...

I think the implication could go straight to beard actually. A goatee is a type of beard, and braided_beard probably shouldn't be used with mustache unless there is also a beard present (a mustache is not a beard). I'm not sure why you say it doesn't fit our definition of beard.

I see that you just added mustache to braided_beard's wiki, but I'd probably rather take it out and see it get it's own tag braided_mustache or the like because again, in English, a mustache by itself is not a beard (as opposed to maybe other languages like Japanese where "hige" refers to both mustaches and beards). Alternatively we could rename braided_beard to braided_facial_hair and keep the implication to facial_hair.