
imply starter_pokemon_trio -> starter_pokemon

Posted under Tags

Pools should be used for subjective themes or for any series, but the Starter Trio of every pokemon game is objective and tagable. This is the reason why it was turned into a tag instead of a pool.

What about the type pools? Should we convert stuff like pool #4189 into a water_type_pokemon tag and go on one hell of a gardening/mass update spree?

We have a boatload of strangely specific PokéBooru-type tags that were all made and historically maintained by one user. I think we should re-evaluate the usefulness of tags like these. Searching starter_pokemon_trio Charizard mostly results in images like post #3608119.

I think we should look at the usage info, especially on two-image tags like diglett's_cave_(kanto), and reconsider them existing. Who even searches starter pokemon? Is it even really all that useful when a red smear that might be Charizard is getting the tag?

Guaro said:

Pools should be used for subjective themes or for any series, but the Starter Trio of every pokemon game is objective and tagable. This is the reason why it was turned into a tag instead of a pool.

The reason I think it makes more sense as a pool is because you're essentially making a tag that requires 3 other tags that already exist to be present. Generation 1 for example, bulbasaur, charmander, and squirtle will always be present for starter_pokemon_trio + gen_1_pokemon. Using an example from blindVigil, The Yakumo Family pool would also always require chen, yakumo ran, and yakumo yukari be tagged.

I think starter pokemon trio is an ok tag but it should be used only when the trios are the focus, not when there's a million other characters.

As for starter pokemon, to be honest I always felt these ultra specific tags are useless and should be nuked. But I thought the same thing for gen 1 pokemon etc. They are too broad and useless to search for.

I looked at the analytics and the only one that gets a good amount of searches is gen 1 pokemon. Also for some reason there's a lot of bots in the searches, probably because they're following the tag from all the other pokemon tags, so it's kinda hard to tell how many actual humans are searching for these tags. They're only useful in combination with tags like starter pokemon trio, and only barely, because if you want to search for posts with only one generation you have to do a 8-tag search.


Starter pokemon is a bad tag because it violates tag what you see, not what you know. TWYS means that you don't tag metaknowledge about characters. Metaknowledge means things like which type of pokemon it is, which generation it's from, which evolution level it is, or the fact that it's a starter pokemon.

This case is a perfect example of why metaknowledge tags are bad. There are an infinite number of factual statements you can make about a character. Encoding them all in the tagging system creates a high amount of bloat and a low amount of utility.