So, after a bit of forum diving(I like watching debates in action), I've come across something that makes me wonder.
Whenever talk of tagging comes up, or more specifically, trying to fix tagging, there seems to be a general fear of the idea of adding qualifiers to names. The most recent example I can give of this is the grumbling behind the standard of tagging anyone from Genshin Impact with the aforementioned title.
Why is this? Is it a data limitation that I am unaware of? An attempt to avoid stretching the screen on PC/Mobile? An offense to the idea that someone might not know of a given series? It just seems baffling to me that we would want searches to be harder, especially as time goes on and people reuse names either intentionally or accidentally. Doubly so for names that feature common words for objects/animals.
Would it not be easier to have the qualifiers set up now, when a series is still relatively fresh and therefore doesn't need to spend hours or days fixing names, rather than later when a series has even more characters?
Apologies if this question has an easy answer. I checked the howto to see if there was a direct reason but found nothing that satisfied the scope.