post #9000000 GET!

(Arknights) Robin and "Gloves"

Posted under Tags

I've noticed a good amount of her art is tagged with "gloves", where I'm pretty certain it's actually her hands. Unless I'm mistaken she has black raccoon hands.

Some Examples:
Official Art 1 post #4253253
Official Art 2 post #4253255
Some Fanart post #4600520 post #4423371 post #4447752

As evidence of seeing her fingernails in I think all of those. I can go through her art and remove the gloves tag if given permission to. Is there also another tag I could use? We have tags for animal tails, ears, so fourth, including more specific ones, would a tag for "racoon hands" be possible?

Her hands are like that even when wearing the prison uniform in the story, and the other prisoners don't have hands like hers, so yeah, not gloves. I think claws would apply, we also have black hands, but it only has 17 posts and no wiki. We don't seem to have anything for animal-like hands that I could find.

blindVigil said:

Her hands are like that even when wearing the prison uniform in the story, and the other prisoners don't have hands like hers, so yeah, not gloves. I think claws would apply, we also have black hands, but it only has 17 posts and no wiki. We don't seem to have anything for animal-like hands that I could find.

Would a new tag like "animal hands" be a possibility? Or do you know it's too niche?

I tag them as gloves because that's more closely what they resemble. There is a sheen to them and the claws don't look distinct from the rest of the hand, which is not how nails/claws work in actuality, making them look more like claws covered by fabric. On top of that you never really see her without sleeves stretching to her wrists so you don't see any point at which her regular skin color would fade to black (unlike Nian, for example).

MisterJuice said:

Would a new tag like "animal hands" be a possibility? Or do you know it's too niche?

If you can find a significant enough amount of posts that would fit under that tag (that aren't solely Robin posts), it would probably be fine. (reworded to be less negative)


CormacM said:

If I'm understanding how animal_hands would be used correctly (normal human body/arms with non-human hands), there are definitely more examples of this: post #4596323, post #4599036, post #4580797, post #4574554, post #4566576, post #4535373, post #4517459, post #4508548

Those are great examples, thank you! Characters like Felicia from Vampire are a perfect example. I think there's even more examples out there, however I'm unfortunately blanking at this very moment. I'm actually surprised it's a tag we don't have already in all honesty.

Edit Oh! Dionain Genshin has animal hands. post #4597794

Edit 2: Not Sure if Tamamo Cat qualifies? Since her "hands" are...more paw costume ish like? lol post 4545677
I'll keep looking though, I think there's various powers that can transform hands...and some more characters out there, ah I wish my memory was working better right now.


Talulah said:

I tag them as gloves because that's more closely what they resemble. There is a sheen to them and the claws don't look distinct from the rest of the hand, which is not how nails/claws work in actuality, making them look more like claws covered by fabric. On top of that you never really see her without sleeves stretching to her wrists so you don't see any point at which her regular skin color would fade to black (unlike Nian, for example).

Fur and hair can have a sheen to it, that's not exclusive to fabrics. I doubt they were letting her wear gloves in jail.

MisterJuice said:

Edit 2: Not Sure if Tamamo Cat qualifies? Since her "hands" are...more paw like? lol

Tamamo Cat is wearing paw gloves

blindVigil said:

Fur and hair can have a sheen to it, that's not exclusive to fabrics. I doubt they were letting her wear gloves in jail.

Tamamo Cat is wearing paw gloves

I always thought they were her "hands" because of her morphing skill, since she's a whacky comic relief character. Paw-Gloves are a fair judgement there though.

Talulah said:

So now it's fur too? man

It should probably be changed to hands since most things like this use plurals.

Yeah upgrading the existing tag to "hands" would probably be for the best. Not sure if anyone wants to do that, but I could volunteer?

Talulah said:

blingVigil is claiming Robin's hands are fur now because of the sheen. If you want to tag all her posts with fur, be my guest. I just don't see it.

Ah thanks, sorry the edits got confusing. I think at the very least BlindVigil is correct about prison not letting her wear claw gloves. Her hands are consistent between different outfits, and she's not human. So I think "animal hands" qualify with her. She may not be realistic, but she's also an anime Racoon girl :P

Talulah said:

blingVigil is claiming Robin's hands are fur now because of the sheen. If you want to tag all her posts with fur, be my guest. I just don't see it.

Whoa, that's not what I said.

Skin can have a sheen too, especially in art. I'm saying a sheen does not inherently imply the presence of fabric, if we're using "reality" as a point of reference, because lots of things can have a sheen.

If you want better proof, she has two raccoons in her E2 art, both of which have the exact same hands she does. I doubt they're also wearing gloves.

Talulah said:

Oh well, guess I misinterpreted.

Anyway, if you want to change the posts to animal_hands, I won't complain. I'll try to remember to tag that in the future.

Thank You, I'll go correct the "animal hand" tag to "hands", and replace the Robin posts tagged with gloves with it.

Edit: Seems there's 1 hidden post tagged with "Animal Hand"? I'm not sure.


MisterJuice said:

Thank You, I'll go correct the "animal hand" tag to "hands", and replace the Robin posts tagged with gloves with it.

Edit: Seems there's 1 hidden post tagged with "Animal Hand"? I'm not sure.

I got the 1 deleted post for you, you can add status:all to your search to check for those. I also wrote a wiki for the tag.

However, I'm a little hesitant to tag Diona as animal_hands given that most of the time they could just be skin tight gloves for all we know. There's usually no claws or fur, and post #4478402 for example is clearly gloves.

CormacM said:

I got the 1 deleted post for you, you can add status:all to your search to check for those. I also wrote a wiki for the tag.

However, I'm a little hesitant to tag Diona as animal_hands given that most of the time they could just be skin tight gloves for all we know. There's usually no claws or fur, and post #4478402 for example is clearly gloves.

She's wearing bridal gauntlets over them in her official portrait, and you can see the contours of her nails, so her hands are probably natural. Unless she's wearing gloves over gloves. I agree it's iffy, though.

CormacM said:

I got the 1 deleted post for you, you can add status:all to your search to check for those. I also wrote a wiki for the tag.

However, I'm a little hesitant to tag Diona as animal_hands given that most of the time they could just be skin tight gloves for all we know. There's usually no claws or fur, and post #4478402 for example is clearly gloves.

Thank you! I think some artists don't realize that Diona's hands are cat hands due to them looking so sleek. However we know she descended from a line of cat people. It's why she has the tail, ears, and the way her feet are unnaturally small. The artist in the example you gave definitely drew her with gloves tho.

I agree that Robin's ones are actually her hands.

Though it is definitely going to be a source of mistags (because they tend to look like gloves at first glance) and have to be gardened from time to time. Nothing much we can do about it, though having a separate animal_hands tag might help in hinting to people not to put the gloves tag back on after they are removed.

CormacM said:

I got the 1 deleted post for you, you can add status:all to your search to check for those. I also wrote a wiki for the tag.

However, I'm a little hesitant to tag Diona as animal_hands given that most of the time they could just be skin tight gloves for all we know. There's usually no claws or fur, and post #4478402 for example is clearly gloves.

I'd say if one isn't sure, then the "hands" should be tagged with neither. And examples that are depicted as clearly gloves should be tagged gloves, never mind the actual canonicity.

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