BUR #5467 has been rejected.
remove implication miko -> japanese_clothes
We have constantly argued against nontraditional miko being implied to miko, because miko implies japanese clothes.
On light of
-The aforementioned discussion
-miko constantly being misused (miko touhou brings 4000+ results, most of them should be tagged as nontraditional miko)
-Half of nontraditional_miko being used along japanese clothes (nontraditional_miko japanese_clothes brings almost 10k posts)
I think the best course of action is to unimply miko to japanese clothes. People will then be able to search traditional mikos through a miko japanese_clothes search, although another option would be to make traditional miko.
In my opinion miko should be used when a character is either wearing a miko outfit of whatever kind or attending shrine duties. If they're a nontraditional miko, then at least some other miko element should be present, like a gohei or similar. Or something that generally makes you go "yeah that's a miko".