post #9000000 GET!

imply gloved_handjob -> handjob, gloves

Posted under Tags

Agreed on both. That it feels kinda superfluous, but should be implicated properly anyway.

I trust there is no 'mistaggings' that will cause potential problems with the implicated tags being dragged in. So, voting yes.

Having handjob + gloves in one picture doesn't guarantee that it isn't simply a picture of someone giving a handjob to a character who wears gloves, I guess, is where the usefulness of the tag comes in.

The handjob + gloves posts within the past year contain roughly 30 posts that aren't gloved handjobs, vs. 436 others; give or take about 20 where the amount of glove-to-penis contact is dubious. That's about 89% to 93% overlap. I'll leave it to others to decide what level of overlap is considered superfluous.

BUR #5791 has been rejected.

nuke gloved_handjob

feline_lump said:

The handjob + gloves posts within the past year contain roughly 30 posts that aren't gloved handjobs, vs. 436 others; give or take about 20 where the amount of glove-to-penis contact is dubious. That's about 89% to 93% overlap. I'll leave it to others to decide what level of overlap is considered superfluous.

Yeah, that's what I meant. The tag is nearly equivalent with a gloves handjob search. For reference, topic #17946.
93% is pretty close to the 95% limit to requesting implications.

Given that you get more relevant results right now by searching for gloves handjob than gloved_handjob, I guess I'll also submit this and let the community decide.

I think it doesn't hurt to keep regardless of overall redundancy due to the false positives (even if they are fairly few in comparison to the huge overlap) but I don't really feel strongly one way or the other.