evazion said:
Who are these characters? The wikis don't explain. They should at least provide some basic context and links to external wikis. It's hard for me to judge what to do here when I have to do a bunch of outside research before I can understand who you're even talking about.
The Loid versus Lloyd thing sounds like the same situation as Nasu insisting on Altria instead of Artoria. Just because a creator insists on something doesn't automatically mean we'll follow it. I'm inclined to say just keep it simple and do whatever the official Viz release does.
As far as codenames versus real names (or assumed names, as it seems to be in this case), my general stance is that we should use whatever the fanbase normally uses to refer to the character.
The characters have undergone several names changes (due to a change in translator, plus an authorial request in between that was honored by the first translator). The characters also have a 'cover identity' business going with their names, so there's a further vagueness over their names. This has led to the fanbase being split on what names to use.
Anyways, I will attempt to... elaborate this as best as I can.
Currently (2021-06-07), the names used by the Viz translation (the ongoing official translation, this can be checked by going through the first three free chapters on Viz-Mangaplus) are:
Twilight: Code name ("spy name", basically) of the 'father' character. Real name unknown. Not a superhero identity either with different costumes, so a separate chartag would be inappropriate.
Loid Forger: Assumed name ("cover identity") of the 'father' character. This is what nearly everybody in-universe calls this character, other than his "spy colleagues".
Anya: Name of the 'daughter' character.
Yor Briar: Maiden name of the 'mother' character.
Some other 'official' names:
Yor Forger: On paper, Yor is 'married' to Loid, so she assumes the name "Yor Forger".
Anya Forger: On paper, Anya is 'adopted' by Loid, so she assumes the name "Anya Forger".
More names that are probably irrelevant because most fans don't use them:
Thorn Princess: Yor's code name when acting as an assassin. Fans don't usually call her this, because they know her real name.
Subject 007: Anya's previous name when she was an experimental subject for some black-ops project. Fans don't usually call her this, because well, "Anya" is a better name and also her 'current' name.
The issue is that they have the whole 'cover identity' going on (so the last name Forger is still kinda shaky), so even fans who agree on using the Viz translations will split on whether to:
1. Call the 'father' "Twilight" or "Loid Forger"
2. Call the 'mother' "Yor Briar" or "Yor Forger"
3. Call the daughter just "Anya" or "Anya Forger"
(for 'official' community stuff like wiki articles. Otherwise most people prefer Loid/Yor/Anya because they are shorter.)
The approach chosen by NinjaPope for Danbooru tags is:
1. Call the 'father' Twilight_(spy_x_family). Alias Loid_Forger to Twilight_(spy_x_family).
2. Call the 'mother' Yor_Briar. Alias "Yor_Forger" to "Yor Briar".
3. Call the daughter just Anya_(spy_x_family). No need to alias Anya_Forger, because presumably autocomplete will make it apparent.
This is, IMHO, the most robust, as this would mean their chartags would remain intact even if the "Loid Forger" identity gets compromised or discarded later and they assume new 'cover names'.
There are also some other issues to consider. Because of the frequent retcons (of spellings) and a lot of hearsay on what happened, I am not entirely sure of the order or particulars of events that transpired, and I cannot substantiate these claims due to all the changing that was going on, but from my understanding:
1. The series translation was first done in-house by Mangaplus. This was an official translation. There were... some number of name changes early on that I'm not sure about, but perhaps the direct transliteration Tasogare was introduced then.
2. The first 'stable' set of names they went with are Lloyd, Yoru, and Anya. With Folger as the surname. And Twilight as the code name.
3. "Anya" got changed to "Ania" after one of the manga pages depicted a placard over the 'daughter's room with her name written as "Ania".
4. Translator then somehow changed "Ania" back to "Anya".
5. Author reached out to Translator and got their names changed to Loid, Yor and Ania. With Forger as surname, and Twilight unchanged. At this point, the flashback pages and previous chapters were a total mess, with numerous different spellings of the characters' names.
6. Viz took over Mangaplus and switched over to another translation team.
7. Viz-Translator #2 kept most of the names, but changed "Ania" back to "Anya". Author allegedly complained a lot or something (because they allegedly intended the 'daughter's name to use the Polish spelling) but they continued with the change.
8. Viz-Translator slowly 'retcons' previous pages over time to gradually change everything to the new naming scheme.
9. Throughout all this, English letter names in the JP version uses Loid/Yor/Ania.
As you can see... the whole thing is a big mess, leaving the fans... rather divided on what names to use. Though generally most people agree with the final Viz set of names, other than splitting on Ania vs. Anya. This is chiefly because of well, all the switching back-and-forth between the two spellings. There were also hearsay that the author really wanted to spell it as "Ania", that the author had some specific reason for picking the Polish spelling "Ania" that might possibly mean something in the story or have some thematic allusion, etc. etc.
Though... in the end, if I were to speculate, I would say that more and more people have generally switched over to the all-Viz spelling over time, so there's that.
So... yeah, whole thing is a mess, and the fans are still divided. That said, NinjaPope's suggestion should be the most robust going forward.
Edit: Typo on Yoru's name (repeated Yoru Briar twice).