post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

"Hate speech" is a more narrowly defined term in English and doesn't encompass all harsh words, more those towards those of different ethnicities and sexual orientations. The humiliation tag doesn't appear to apply to the whole pool because it appears to be used for posts where the victim is present, and the pool has a lot of posts where it's just the bully.

pool #16998 doesn't seem to be an outright favorites pool, but does seem to be a pet pool maintained mostly by one person. It's far too broad, being any two servants of the same class shown together, and the amount of things it misses makes to look like a favorites pool.

Question... if series-type pools become superfluous due to reorganization (usually by later grouping everything into the same "series" pool), do I need to mention them here, or do I just depopulate them entirely (to zero posts) and the system will handle it automatically?

This might be a potentially recurring issue for Twitter-hosted comics, where related posts in a series (or earlier posts) may not be apparent to the original uploader(s) due to everything being arranged in one single gigantic 'timeline'.

In this regard, consider pool #16606 and pool #16607. Original uploader decided to organize them in two separate pools. When I came across later chapters in the series I thought they might be better organized as a single pool for all the chapters, so I created the Tales of the Holy Elfroid Hylodom pool and stuck them all in there. This does end up leaving pool #16606 and pool #16607 completely superfluous though. I suppose I should have depopulated them then, but I didn't want to step on the toes of the original creator of those two pools.

Anyway, do I just depopulate them now and mention them here? Or will just depopulating them in itself be enough, and the system will delete them automatically?

You can depopulate them, but you also need to delete them. We don't do anything automatically. When you edit a pool there's a "delete" entry in the topbar.

Pools should be merged if they're about the same series, it's no use for us to keep them in separate ones, and it makes it harder to read a single series in one go.

nonamethanks said:

You can depopulate them, but you also need to delete them. We don't do anything automatically. When you edit a pool there's a "delete" entry in the topbar.

Pools should be merged if they're about the same series, it's no use for us to keep them in separate ones, and it makes it harder to read a single series in one go.

Alright, done. Thanks for telling me what to do. In the future I will also depopulate and delete such pools, in that order (if I am sure that they are superfluous).
