blindVigil said:
We have plugsuit but still tag posts featuring Asuka's red plugsuit souryuu asuka langley (cosplay) because it doesn't matter how many people have been depicted wearing it in fanart, the red plugsuit is Asuka's plugsuit.
To be fair, we do this thing for "special" outfits. Asuka is for 90% of the time in her plugsuit. Conversely, Mash is only depicted in that in a single artwork, like treat or treatment and the likes.
As for my personal opinion: I personally believe that outfit tags such as that should be gentags. The main reason is that the character itself doesn't change - one of the reasons why Fate chartags are such a mess is that the characters are physically and mentally different between their iterations - taking Artoria for example, Alter's skin is paler, while her Lancer depiction is more mature. Their differences can be told even without their outfits (post #2588915).
What put a wrench between all of this system are swimsuit tags - the characters are the same, but they wear a swimsuit. Since in-game they're character alts though, they have been treated as different characters in the tags. (An argument could be made for Mordred's swimsuit alt because she gets a tan, but that aside)
The male outfits, which you can play as, are only skins, so we have gentags like monte cristo selection, which would be virtually no different from an edmond_dantes_(swimsuit)_(fate) chartag.
My point is: alternate tags are different characters. You can tell apart the characters when they're completely naked. The only results *swimsuit*_(fate) nude yield can be told apart from the "original" character because of the setting, accessories, or alts (post #3940874, there's no way you can tell this apart from normal mordred). Otherwise, there's no way you could tell that is a different character.
My proposal would be to make all swimsuit tags gentags, and keep CE tags as gentags, but be more descriptive (dangerous_beast -> mash_kryelight_(dangerous_beast)). This could also fix the character tag bloating that other gachas are suffering because of the different outfits.
On a side note, i swear hoshiguma_yuugi_(promo) was a gentag, but i can't find any discussion about the change on the forums or discord.