blindVigil said:
Foxfire Ahri is 8 years old. LoL has been getting alt-skin tags for years. Some of them have backstory, like the KD/A skins, but mechanically they're just skins.
Because those are just mentioned in some backstory blurb that nobody reads and nobody ever experiences in game anyway (unlike F/GO 'character'-specific events that occur as part of the plot). And retconned out in short order with how volatile LoL's canon is.
Not that I mind the LoL skin tags just existing, because they don't really cause any problems by dint of their nomenclature.
blindVigil said:
This whole debate is just a lot of splitting hairs, while ignoring actual usage statistics. Arguing about who deserves to be a tag, based on how "different" or "unique" they are is a waste of time. We already have ample proof that using gentags for skins makes them almost invisible.
That approach just leads to opening a can of worms to tagging EVERY SINGLE alternate outfit of EVERY SINGLE fictional character (Gachas SHOULDN't be special and be the only ones to get all the extra skintags). I mean, sure, we can rely on usage statistics and then nuke the less-used examples, but this just turns things into a popularity contests and leads to to popular series getting underrepresented even further (especially with all the extra tags increasing their visibility even more). And bad blood when their skintag for a less popular series get nuked.
(And gachas don't all get skintags for every single character skins either the moment they are released. It's just F/GO and the Chinese gachas. Cygames and DMM gachas don't get endless skintags.)
On some level it is like this; every character deserves their own chartag, but a character getting 6+ chartags , half of those some generic alternate outfit that one can pick out from a real-life garment store, is just excessive.
Before the whole gacha kerfuffle, chartags had to rely on canon information somewhat (because how else does one know a "character" is a "character"?). The rule of thumb was kinda whether a character's "altself" is distinct enough. As an example take, say, a younger and an older version of a character. If the older version is just the younger version growing up (and visibly appears to be so), they don't get separate chartags, because they are the same character. So Edward Elric doesn't get a separate tag for his older self. But Trunks gets one for Future Trunks because that's his alternate time-traveling self from a bad future despite just being an older-looking Trunks. (Note also that Future Trunks doesn't imply the "base" character, unlike most of the gacha skins. He is a distinct character).
Now I'm not opposed to skintags per se. Most of the ones that are already up should stay because work have been put into them and they are useful in some capacity. What I am opposed to is the cavalier practice of creating new skintags whenever a new alternate outfit gets released for a gacha.
(Most irksome so far for me being Croissant_(seven_am)_(arknights))