Posted under General
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post #4458577: A really cute image, don't see flaws
post #4481293: It's similar to 4481293, just with the variation in speed and the creampie at the end
post #4532010
post #3634814: Good quality.
post #3666797: Good quality, comparable to the artist's other work.
post #4528786: This is the Pixiv version. Twitter version approved.
post #4534102: Similar art Quality of artist's approved drawings.
post #4530318: Picture has the same level of quality of other works by the same author, which have been approved without issue. For example, post #4530322
post #4530582: Please reconsider, other works of similar or better quality from the artist have been approved.
post #4534221: Edited to meet criteria.
post #4534225: Edited to meet criteria.
post #4534227: Edited to fit criteria.
post #4516946: Quality on same level as artist's other work which is regularly approved; very few pictures of these characters
post #4516948: Quality on same level as artist's other work which is regularly approved; very few pictures of these characters
post #4535809: Good art. Please reconsider.
post #4535652: This belongs to the same source tweet as 4535588, which was approved despite featuring a similar artstyle.
post #4526622: Please give it a look. Other works by the artist of similar quality have been approved without issue.
post #4528427: Please reconsider. The quality of the post is on par with the rest of the works by the artist that are on the site.
post #3643617: Adorable