post #4488891: High quality art in the same style as the rest of the artist
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post #4488891: High quality art in the same style as the rest of the artist
post #4541500: This illustration about fate series is very beautiful with a high quality. Could you please reconsider it? Thank you very much!!!
post #3237052: In line with the quality of works from that same artist
post #4412012: Quality similar to artist's other work; character is from a Japanese property
post #3545218: Invalid previous flag reasons. Well drawn and of a Japanese copyright.
post #4137839: Sweet little doodle
post #3581533: i dont know why this image was deleted, can an moderador please check? :D
post #4548702: Good art. Please reconsider.
post #4542606: The bad source link has been fixed!
post #442046: flag reason(s) are completely invalid and pic looks ok, even if the breasts are a little lopsided