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Proposal: Removing unnecessary Genshin qualifiers

Posted under Tags

BUR #5352 has been rejected.


rename anemo_hypostasis_(genshin_impact) -> anemo_hypostasis
rename anemoboxer_vanguard_(genshin_impact) -> anemoboxer_vanguard
rename baishi_(genshin_impact) -> baishi
rename baiwen_(genshin_impact) -> baiwen
rename baixiao_(genshin_impact) -> baixiao
create alias baron_bunny_(genshin_impact) -> baron_bunny
rename cicin_mage_(genshin_impact) -> cicin_mage
rename cryo_cicin_mage_(genshin_impact) -> cryo_cicin_mage
rename cryogunner_legionnaire_(genshin_impact) -> cryogunner_legionnaire
rename dottore_(genshin_impact) -> dottore
rename electro_cicin_mage_(genshin_impact) -> electro_cicin_mage
rename electro_hypostasis_(genshin_impact) -> electro_hypostasis
rename electrohammer_vanguard_(genshin_impact) -> electrohammer_vanguard
rename fatui_pyro_agent_(genshin_impact) -> fatui_pyro_agent
rename ferrylady_(genshin_impact) -> ferrylady
rename geochanter_bracer_(genshin_impact) -> geochanter_bracer
rename geo_hypostasis_(genshin_impact) -> geo_hypostasis
rename geovishap_hatchling_(genshin_impact) -> geovishap_hatchling
rename guoba_(genshin_impact) -> guoba
rename herbalist_gui_(genshin_impact) -> herbalist_gui
create alias hilichurl_(genshin_impact) -> hilichurl
rename hydrogunner_legionnaire_(genshin_impact) -> hydrogunner_legionnaire
rename pyroslinger_bracer_(genshin_impact) -> pyroslinger_bracer
rename reckless_pallad_(genshin_impact) -> reckless_pallad
rename rex_lapis_(genshin_impact) -> rex_lapis
rename timaeus_(genshin_impact) -> timaeus
rename verr_goldet_(genshin_impact) -> verr_goldet
rename ying'er_(genshin_impact) -> ying'er

Follow-up from topic #18046 and topic #18197 given the popular sentiment there. This and the below BUR would reverse most of the aliases made in topic #17785 if approved.

This first BUR strips the qualifier from NPC and enemy tags that it seems unlikely will ever actually need them to avoid ambiguity, with the objective of making them more readable in tag lists. I excluded common or short names like "Cyrus", somewhat generic titles like "Abyss Herald" and "Oceanid", and mythological references like "Barbatos" and "Dainsleif."

Feel free to give feedback or make suggestions, I am open to editing this.

BUR #5353 has been rejected.


A similar BUR, but for playable (or expected-to-be-playable) Genshin characters, mostly the Liyue ones.

I may as well list the other playables that I feel should keep their current qualifiers: Aether, Albedo, Amber, Bennett, Diona, Eula, Kazuha, Lumine, Mimi, Noelle, Razor, Rosaria, Sucrose, Xiao, Yae. Characters with full-name tags disregarded as they don't have nor need the qualifier.

Klee and Qiqi are borderline. Their names are somewhat unique but also extremely short. Ganyu and Venti could be risky to rename for the same reason, I'm not totally sure about including them.

I'm fine with what you said in forum #180964 originally. I'd prefer single word names to keep their qualifiers. I'd be ok with flipping the aliases for utility's sake.
EDIT: I've revised my position after reading the arguments in this thread. I support removing the qualifiers.

The multi-word names could lose their qualifiers, but they definitely need to have wikis written for them to describe which copyright they're associated with, which a lot of these currently don't have.


blindVigil said:

Ferrylady and Nameless Bard are fairly generic names, they might need to keep their qualifiers. Don't have any concerns over the rest of them, I think.

I have never seen the word "Ferrylady" used outside of Genshin Impact, personally, and it's extremely uncommon on Google once Genshin Impact-related pages are excluded (about 1620 results for '"ferrylady" -genshin', many which are actually still Genshin-related.) If you leave off the quotes, Google even attempts to autocorrect it to "Ferrywoman."

Fair point about the nameless bard though, I'll take him out.

Obstetrics said:

The multi-word names could lose their qualifiers, but they definitely need to have wikis written for them to describe which copyright they're associated with, which a lot of these currently don't have.

I've fixed that, since it does no harm for them to have wikis in any case.

7HS said:

I excluded common or short names like "Cyrus", somewhat generic titles like "Abyss Herald" and "Oceanid", and mythological references like "Barbatos" and "Dainsleif."

This list looks like a good starting point for more clear and fixed guidelines on how to apply qualifiers. We could also add historical references and other direct namesakes (such as ship names in Kancolle and country names in Hetalia for example) as areas which are either already in need of qualifiers or are very likely to require them.

In general though, I think that it's better to avoid adding redundancy and cluttering the character namespace with copyright names, since we do already have copyright tags and also the wiki for clarification. As I mentioned earlier, I think that's generally how it's been (cirno, saber, rumia, koakuma, rossweisse, kyon just to name a few), and the spread of qualifiers as a default option only picked up steam because of games such as Kancolle and Fate.

In the event that a character does end up needing a qualifier down the road, is the trouble of adding it in the future worth having so many cumbersome character tags and applying the brush too broadly?

I don't see any reason to not have the qualifiers.
As an outsider who doesn't know the game, it's always nice to also see what game they come from when their tags are discussed.
Also it keeps things distinct from future cases.

We really shouldn't take a step backwards again after having implemented qualifiers for multiple characters from multiple copyrights now.

Yes, is there a duplicate char tag from another copyright? None? Ok.
What harm does it cause to have the qualifier? Not any harm is done? Great, let's keep it that way.

Provence said:

I don't see any reason to not have the qualifiers.
As an outsider who doesn't know the game, it's always nice to also see what game they come from when their tags are discussed.
Also it keeps things distinct from future cases.

We really shouldn't take a step backwards again after having implemented qualifiers for multiple characters from multiple copyrights now.

Yes, is there a duplicate char tag from another copyright? None? Ok.
What harm does it cause to have the qualifier? Not any harm is done? Great, let's keep it that way.

There's no harm in not having them, either. None of these names are anywhere near generic or ambiguous enough to require a qualifier, now or ever. Cryogunner Legionnaire is annoying enough to type without a useless qualifier attached to it.

The qualifiers have helped me with tagging copyrights I have no idea about. To quickly tell that is the right tag for the post due to the association with the qualifier.

If we say that reading the wiki would forgo the need of qualifiers then we would be ignoring how little people actually read the wiki. Making it easier to tag right from the edit box would only improve tag accuaracy.

blindVigil said:

There's no harm in not having them, either. None of these names are anywhere near generic or ambiguous enough to require a qualifier, now or ever. Cryogunner Legionnaire is annoying enough to type without a useless qualifier attached to it.

There's no harm in better and precise tagging.

.Dank said:

The qualifiers have helped me with tagging copyrights I have no idea about. To quickly tell that is the right tag for the post due to the association with the qualifier.

If we say that reading the wiki would forgo the need of qualifiers then we would be ignoring how little people actually read the wiki. Making it easier to tag right from the edit box would only improve tag accuaracy.


.Dank said:

The qualifiers have helped me with tagging copyrights I have no idea about. To quickly tell that is the right tag for the post due to the association with the qualifier.

If we say that reading the wiki would forgo the need of qualifiers then we would be ignoring how little people actually read the wiki. Making it easier to tag right from the edit box would only improve tag accuaracy.

That's already pretty reliably covered by the Related Tags list, though? If you can find even one unqualified character(that actually belongs to a copyright) that doesn't list at least one copyright tag in their related tags, then I'll concede this point. Otherwise, we have a feature already that not only covers this problem, but makes tagging in general much easier. Like, literally, "easier to tag right from the edit box" already exists. Qualifiers are redundant for this purpose.

Username_Hidden said:

This has been done with Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, and Fate too, i see no reason to make Genshin an exception.

I'm not sure why Fate always comes up in these discussions. It's a series featuring dozens of mythological and historical persons who get reused in media all the time. Fate qualifiers are in almost every single case a necessity, not something we do just because. For Fire Emblem and Xenoblade, I don't have the time to look through every single character, but I bet plenty of them didn't need qualifiers. The fact we did it isn't evidence that it was ever something that needed doing.

Seeing others' perspectives on this has made the situation clearer for me. I'm seeing a difference in perspective on what the basic role of the tag is. I'm taking a minimal perspective while others are noting the ways that tags can offer more functionality. I think we should take a look at the implications (no pun intended). Here's my perspective on various roles:

Purpose of the character tag:
✅ contain the name of a character associated with an image
✅ facilitate retrieval of images
❌ contain the copyright associated with an image

Purpose of qualifiers in character tags:
✅ disambiguate character names in the event that a naming conflict exists
✅ prevent future naming conflicts in established situations such as direct namesakes, common names, and references to outside names
❌ leverage the edit box for quick copyright lookup
❌ bypass usage of other site resources such as the tag lookup system and the wiki

It's worth noting that double-word names which don't contain qualifiers also don't directly express copyright information, so the idea of taking this shortcut to find out about a copyright is inherently inconsistent.

Purpose of the copyright tag:
✅ contain the copyright associated with an image
✅ facilitate retrieval of images

I feel that the copyright tag is being overlooked in this discussion. It's here and it has a clear purpose.

I'm seeing two clear violations of separation of concerns here as well. The most glaring one really is an elephant in the room that should be looked at.

Instead of:

Character: ganyu
Copyright: genshin_impact

We have:

Character: ganyu_(genshin_impact)
Copyright: genshin_impact

This is bad. It's not only a 100% redundancy in the tags by way of ugly underscores and parentheses (which need to be escaped in some circumstances, and can be a pain for users to type), and a large amount of bloat, but also a complete copy of the information from the copyright namespace into the character namespace. From a database design perspective, we need to ask why this is necessary. I do think this should to be kept to the logical minimum.

It's also worth looking at why the copyright namespace is failing in its purpose for some of you. It's here to tell you what copyright a certain image is associated with, and from my perspective it works perfectly. For other people's user experience, if there are ways to make that association more clear through site functionality or changes in workflow, that would be a productive discussion. But again, why are we contaminating character tags with words that don't belong there?

The argument that overuse of qualifiers is the way forward, that it's consistent, and that we'd be making Genshin an exception by removing qualifiers also doesn't make sense to me. Yes, some more recent copyrights such as Xenoblade are following this convention, but that's kind of a circular argument isn't it? We'll do it because we already did it sometimes. We can apply the same outlook to Xenoblade as well. Many of its names would fall under the requirements for qualifiers, such as being common names like "Rex", and others look unique such as morag_ladair_(xenoblade). Also, we notably _didn't_ do it at other times. Neither of these cases provides an objective reason to do it or not to. That was the point I made earlier about people seemingly adopting this convention by osmosis because Fate is popular and also super complicated. Also, why are video games so much more implicated in this situation and not anime?

It's getting into an annoying lack of consistency, which I don't think will help solve problems in the future. Two-word names have fewer qualifiers (so why does morag have one?), while one-word names are more susceptible to conflicts, thus more commonly take on qualifiers. Sure, but what about names that have little to no chance of being conflicted?

Why are there still so many single-word names that lack qualifiers and it's no problem? Could it be because people want to implicate character tags as a copyright lookup for new and popular franchises? This isn't a change in the purpose of tags, but in user behaviour.

That's the second big issue with separation of concerns: Tags shouldn't be used as shortcuts in this way. Also, it's a logical fallacy to say that you can find out the copyright of a character through that character's tag while people are discussing the character on the forum. The number of words in a character's name has no bearing on this. I would have to look up Morag Ladair as much as Ganyu if I weren't familiar with said character.

So again, this is conflating different roles, and it's implicating tags in a purpose that's not meant for them. A character's name is NOT a lookup keyword for its copyright. A character's name is independent of the character's copyright, and it's poor practice to conflate the two.

Don't get me wrong, all the users appreciate the work that you're doing, and it's natural to want to find efficiencies in one's workflow, but I don't think we should encroach on the basic purpose of tags and contaminate a namespace with unnecessary bloat because it makes the job easier and quicker for some. The everyday user experience and the quality of the database are important too.

For those arguing that you have to type out "(genshin_impact)" and that the underscores take a while to do and are difficult, doesn't tag on the regular, and it shows.

I have not even once had to type _(fate_x_x) or _(genshin_x) when tagging or searching for the the character. All you need is the character's name and boom you are there. Along with all the other that may or may not share the name and it's copyrights.

blindVigil said:

That's already pretty reliably covered by the Related Tags list, though? If you can find even one unqualified character(that actually belongs to a copyright) that doesn't list at least one copyright tag in their related tags, then I'll concede this point. Otherwise, we have a feature already that not only covers this problem, but makes tagging in general much easier. Like, literally, "easier to tag right from the edit box" already exists. Qualifiers are redundant for this purpose.

You obviously never ran into related not pointing you towards the right tag. Mostly due to low tag counts flooding the few results we get there.

Having the qualifiers would also make gardening that much easier and streamlined. Being able to do a wildcard search for all tags with the qualifier would be pretty useful to have. Not only these qualifiers added to characters but to things belonging to that copyright.

.Dank said:

I have not even once had to type _(fate_x_x) or _(genshin_x) when tagging or searching for the the character. All you need is the character's name and boom you are there.

Now we're getting into individual use cases, which is okay, but it's less important than the health and consistency of the database and of searching for best practices that are scalable.

I use animeboxes to browse danbooru. The auto-lookup function is never 100% up to date, and I really don't want to type any more underscores or parentheses on my phone than is necessary.

.Dank said:
Being able to do a wildcard search for all tags with the qualifier would be pretty useful to have.

The qualifier is literally a copy of the already-existing copyright tag, so unless I'm missing something critical here, I don't see why it's not possible to just type in the copyright itself.

Akiraka8 said:

The qualifier is literally a copy of the already-existing copyright tag, so unless I'm missing something critical here, I don't see why it's not possible to just type in the copyright itself.

If you search *(genshin_impact) you'll get every single tag that ends with that qualifier. Similarly, mona_* returns every tag that starts with "mona_"

Akiraka8 said:

The qualifier is literally a copy of the already-existing copyright tag, so unless I'm missing something critical here, I don't see why it's not possible to just type in the copyright itself.

As far as I know, there is no way to pull a list of all related tags belonging to a copyright. If you can show me this then I guess you are right.

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